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so what will help this? (help with my cough!)

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I'm pretty sure that I just have a virus and I need to just wait it out. No fever or anything. I even have energy.


I have a yucky cough (not really in my chest, if that makes sense) and my voice is now completely gone. :( I've been this way since Saturday. I stopped talking completely this evening and started texting DD and DH when I had something to say. :lol:


I tried taking Mucinex but it makes me feel terrible. It really upsets my tummy. Even with food. :confused: I've taken it before and don't remember this happening. I don't really have a sensitive stomach.


I took Sudafed early today because my ears felt full. That worked for that problem. Otherwise, I'm not really stuffy. And I've been using my Nasopure saline wash.


So is there something home remedy or over the counter that I can do to get my voice back and help this cough? I would like to teach my kids tomorrow and get on with life.

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Is it possible it's all related to post nasal drip? I just took my ds15 to the doctor today because he had a really yucky cold a couple of weeks ago but the cough is still lingering. The doctor told us to try Claritin or Zyrtec, thinking it could be post nasal drip that is irritating his throat still. I haven't heard him cough this evening. We'll see how he does tonight.

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Is it possible it's all related to post nasal drip? I just took my ds15 to the doctor today because he had a really yucky cold a couple of weeks ago but the cough is still lingering. The doctor told us to try Claritin or Zyrtec, thinking it could be post nasal drip that is irritating his throat still. I haven't heard him cough this evening. We'll see how he does tonight.


I'm pretty sure it is. I'm already on Claritin, though.


I'm heating some water for decaf tea with lemon and honey. And I found a container of vapo-rub. I smell great!


I want to kick this yuck!!!

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Steam helps a lot. When you hold your cup of hot liqids, breathe in the steam! I bought a vaporizer to help with my cough. It has a spot to put camphor that mixes in with the steam, which feels even better than steam alone.


My sympathies on your cough. I have a lingering cough from a few weeks ago. Antibiotics helped me, (likely had a bacterial pneumonia as I coughed up gross, gunky stuff.) I talked to my doctor again last week. I'm mostly better but my stupid cough is taking time to go away.

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I'm in the same boat. I got sick in August, then it lingered. Last weekend, it "flared up" again. I finally went to the Dr yesterday. She put me on a nasal steroid, antibiotics, and a cough syrup I can take at night to get some rest.


I'd been coughing so much and so suddenly that I'd toss my cookies about once a day, for about a week and a half. Then on Monday, with the flare up, I actually threw up in the car while driving and coughing. NOT pretty. (That's why I went to the Dr finally!).


Hope you feel better soon!

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I have very little brand loyalty to products, but Delsym is THE best OTC cough syrup. When one of us is coughing, I give it only at night (letting the cough do its job during the day). It works.


The honey and lemon are mainly for a sore throat, but I guess it could help.


Lots of people feel gross on Mucinex. If Mucinex worked for you in the past but now is just making you feel sick, then could you try a children's dose? Either cut the pill in half or buy a children's syrup or "fast melt." Maybe you could tolerate that.


And the antihistamine is a good idea. Often postnasal drip does cause a cough.


And doing the saline rinses is an excellent idea! Keep that up. It does help a lot!


If it's bugging you enough, go to the doctor because you could have an infection. Your body could eventually fight it, but you'll feel better faster with an antibiotic if you do have an infection.

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That lingering cough thing seems to be going around here as well.


I tried a home remedy suggested by an acquaintance when my DH had a dry cough: thyme tea.


I crushed about a teaspoon of dried thyme leaves down in a mortar and pestle, then steeped it for about 10 minutes in freshly boiled water, strained, and gave it to him to sip.


Worked like a charm.

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We were traveling and ds had this cough that just wouldn't go away. We stopped by a Walgreens and the pharmasist told us to make or buy tea with lemon and sugar (had to be regular sugar, he said, not honey). We found some Lipton bottled tea and warmed it up. Ds's cough disappeared. The pharmasist said there was some kind of reaction between the lemon and tea with the regular sugar that wouldn't occur with honey or other sweeteners. Don't know what it is, but it worked for ds.

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This must be going through IL!!!


I've resorted to Delsyum (thanks for the suggestion!) and cough drops because the Delsyum did help but now I'm dry. Which is not the best because I use Invisallign and I'm supposed to wear it all day but can't and suck on a cough drop. I guess I'll push my next trays back a couple days.


I turned up the whole-house humidifier, so hopefully that will help too.


Still no school for the youngers today. :( I'm catching up on some things around the house. I have the energy but I go into a coughing fit if I talk too much.

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