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Where do I start? (exercise)

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I want to run one of the Zombie 5k races next year.


My first step is seeing the foot Dr and getting decent running shoes.


Then what? I'm planning an hour hike with the kids today, but that's all I can think of. I will also get back on the treadmil and work up to 30 min per day (it's a treadclimber. I can do an hour + flat but I get bored. I can't go very long inclined, and the incline can't be adjusted).

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Agreeing with the Couch to 5K. Excellent program for any level of walker/runner who wants to build endurance. I also found that by following that program in the beginning I never had injuries like when I just jumped in started running to far to fast. Have fun! Remember, you can make a C25K week last more than one week if you need to.

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One thing you might want to look at is the efficiency of your workouts. You will probably get more out of 20 min of interval training than 30-60 min of steady state.


Don't discount weight lifting either. After a hiatus from working out I find I run better now that I am a lot stronger. Think lunges, step ups, and squats both with and without weights. While your at it you might as well include upper body and core training.


I find having a well balanced approach to fitness is more efficient, more effective, and is more likely to prevent injury.


Good luck with your training! I would love to do a zombie race if one comes to my state.



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If you generally don't get any exercise in your day, then the first thing you need to do is just make the time. Just walk or something but find a way to get the time in. Find 45 mins 5 days a week and get some exercise.


Once you have mastered that part, then try the whole couch to 5k program. But I really think the biggest hurdle for most people is just finding the time in their lives.


I did a couch to 5k years ago, I still run 5k on a regular basis. However, the biggest, hardest part was just retraining my life to work around those 45 mins every day.


If you already have the time then you don't need to wait until next year. Sign up for a 'turkey trot' next month. Getting to 5k only takes about 4-6 weeks depending on the program. You could run/walk it by next month.

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Thanks everyone! I was looking at Cto5k. I have to be really careful with anything. I hurt my foot just over a year ago and had pretty severe tendonitis.


Reading and looking at everything made me cringe! I need to get a better bosu ball and start with foot strengthening. Hula hooping is good for this, too.


My left ankle was very weak - to the point where it would turn when I was physically active. I was given exercises from the podiatrist but what really helped was getting a pair of barefoot shoes. At first I just wore them when weight lifting and I couldn't believe how unstable my left foot was. Now I am strong enough to spread my toes on both feet and can move some of them independently. I highly recommend them! Or doing some things barefoot around the house - squatting, standing on one leg, stepping onto a surface (like stairs).


If you are curious about minimalist shoes there are so many options. Different levels of minimalism (?) and options without separate toes.


Good luck with your training!



BTW - if you are getting overwhelmed take baby steps and celebrate small successes. It is a journey. :001_smile:

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Ditto on what everybody else said. I haven't done C25K but when I first started exercising, I couldn't run more than a lap. So extra ditto to the poster who said celebrate every achievement no matter how small.


I say get an ipod and use the run/walk/training to let your mind go. Fantasize. Get a good sweat. Don't kill yourself.

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