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Looking for gift ideas for ds 4 and dd 18 months

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Do you have a set of play silks? Dharma has some cheap ones--you could get 6 or 7 of the regular size ones and maybe 2 really big ones. You can dye them with koolaid or follow their instructions if you want vibrant colors. Fun!!


How about a bunch of sensory stuff and a simple sensory table? Lentils, colored rice, black beans, kidney beans, etc. plus some dollar store measuring cups, spoons, little objects to find, fake coins, fake gems, smooth glass "stones," etc., all wrapped in a big box! (Ok, totally educational, but really, it is fun!)


Books. 'Nuff said.


Goldfish in a bowl.


This treehouse/block set. LOVE it. There are various permutations of this online--some more simple. I'm into natural toys. I love the Hearthsong catty.

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Can you regift to DD some stuff that got put away when DS was younger?


We have DS 4 and DD 5 months -- and that's what a good part of her Christmas is going to be.


Next Christmas, I'm going to be looking to get her the Little Tikes Push and Ride Racer since we don't have anything like that anymore.


Check out the Bambino LUK stuff for your DS. Ours got some for his 4th birthday and is enjoying them. Both kids could play with Magnatiles.


Does your DS like games?

Some of our favorites are: Haba Orchard, Gamewright Hiss (card game), Ravensburger Snail's Pace Game (and the 18 month old might be able to play Snail's Pace. My son got Orchard for his Christmas present when 29 months old and could play it right away so she's close to that as well)


For Christmas, I'm wanting to get him Kids of Carcasonne, Haba Animal yahtzee, or perhaps Haba Animal upon Animal


I've also heard Mancala is good starting at age 4.

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I'll second Chris' recommendation of play silks. We got a set when my oldest was a toddler, and they were used for *everything* for years. The silk just feels so lovely and floats in the air and can be skirts or wings or tunics or turbans or rivers (for Playmobil and Lego people) and handcuffs and castle walls and tents and blankets and leashes for stuffed animals... So flexible and pretty and easy to store and they won't hurt your feet if they get left out and you step on them in the middle of the night. ;) Definitely one of the longest-lived toys we ever had.

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Guest IdahoMtnMom

My DS is 4 is getting a standing keyboard (with stool) for Christmas and DD3 is getting a 5 pieces drum set (also with stool). DS is also getting some music lessons from a good musician and song writer (co wrote Rocky Mountain High for John Denver!!!). As a family gift, we are getting a Wii and my ex husband is getting them each a couple of games. My ex-inlaws are getting them new sleds. My parents are getting DS some Kinex, and a few random toys and DD a Dollhouse.

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Umm, Mike Taylor, a guitarist, cowrote Rocky Mountain High with John Denver. Mike died a little over a year ago in Hilton Head. You might want to clarify your son's potential music teacher's claims before officially signing up with him. Of course, he may indeed be a great teacher regardless.



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Putumayo World Music cd's. They have a great children's collection(latin playground is my favorite)


I am going to buy some costumes the day after halloween when they are marked down so my children can play pretend with those during the year.


A mobi go electronic learning system.


A great set of pajamas!- My littles always get excited over these.


A fish tank.


Adam's world dvd's

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Magnatiles look nice, but pretty expensive. We have a ton of educational and worthwhile items already, so not sure I could justify these. Ds has been visiting a new friend who owns tons of Disney-style toys and he was in awe!! I was thinking of getting him a Woody that can be spun up and talks, but it's silly expensive!

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I second magna tiles. I finally bought some (they are expensive) this week for My baby's second birthday. All the kids love them. I bought the 32-piece set but I'm thinking of getting the 100-piece set for Christmas. As my 11-year old said as I was wresting them away from him at bedtime last night. "These things are addictive." Dear baby can make surprisingly good stuff with them, which thrills him--and earns him genuine adulation from his siblings.


If you have room, I would also suggest a large set of citiblocs, the American-version of the much pricier European-import Kapla or Keva Blocs. All my kids love these, too, but the older guys hog them. Again, little kids can use them in lots of ways and have fun making simple structures.


Silks, too. And maybe 3-4 good puppets.



Last year the children received as a group gift from their generous aunt this set: http://www.legoeducation.us/eng/product/tech_machines_set/1449. It is great, and gets a lot of use. It's one of the top five things that are played with.

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Thanks for the suggestions. I'll re-consider the playsilks as ds has begun being into dress-up. I had forgotten that I used to have a basket with outfits fro dress-up!!! Dd would have fun with some play dress-up shoes as she is big into shoes these days!


I thought of the play silks, too, but my ds 5 would likely twist them into lassos or nooses. Heh heh. I love the sensory table idea, but my almost 2 year old would put the stones/beans into her mouth. The dress-up shoes are perfect: she LOVES wearing big sister's shoes!

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Roller skates or a mini trampoline?

We got a mini tramp last year. So much fun for the 5 year old... though it has to be kept put away a lot of the time b/c the 1 year old wants to be *constantly* on it and falls off/gets hurt without attentive supervision.


Also noticed it didn't hold up so well. The metal started wearing on the foam and poked through the covering within a few months. Sigh.

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