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If the grandparents buy clothes for your kids

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How do you let the grandparents know when your kids move up a size? Both of my kids grew a lot over the last few months. I'm close enough to my mom that I can tell her that they have grown. I'm not sure how to tell my in-laws. It seems rather presumptuous to say, "Hey, next time you buy the kids clothes, these are the sizes." However, I do need to let them know. MIL sent a box of stuff (mostly clothes) to the kids that came today. There were 5 pairs of pants/jeans for dd that were all size 7 or 8. She's starting to wear a 10. None of them are returnable. :glare:

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I've had this a few times and normally will say something like, "Oh, my dd & I both love that adorable outfit you got her! She wears it all the time, and I am so sad that it is getting too small for her! She loves the clothes Grandma sends!"

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If your familys request birthday or Christmas lists, this a a good time to say, "dd needs pants (size whatever)" That is how we manage it here. I write up a general list of toys/books whatever and tack on clothing and shoe sizes, "in case you wanted to give her clothes".

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My MIL always asks me when she's about to send clothes. Even if she has just asked me a month before. :D This last visit, I had to tell her that the older two it depended on the store. My oldest girl wears either 8, 10, or 12 depending on the cut & if it's a top, bottom, or dress. :tongue_smilie:

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My MIL always asks me when she's about to send clothes. Even if she has just asked me a month before. :D This last visit, I had to tell her that the older two it depended on the store. My oldest girl wears either 8, 10, or 12 depending on the cut & if it's a top, bottom, or dress. :tongue_smilie:


I wish my MIL would ask first! She buys stuff as she finds it and when one of the grandkids is finally big enough (she thinks) to wear it she sends it. :glare:

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I lauged when I read your post. My Mom sees my kids at least once a month. She really likes to shop. Looking at thrift stores for finds, ... I don't like to shop. So SHE knows what sizes my kids wear, and I don't.


Since she likes to be totally even with all her grandkids she will sometimes give me a bill for the clothes she buys. Because she isn't spending that amount of money on her other grandkids. This to is fine with me, way better then ME having to buy them clothes.

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I have my husband pass on this stuff because even though I love my in-laws, this stuff is hard! If I happened to talk to my MIL first I would just say that I wanted to let her know since the kids have been growing like weeds. My MIL gets most of her stuff from garage sales and the thrift store and then passes it along. I find myself putting some things into storage bins as soon as they come into the house because they're already outgrown for the intended child.

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I wish my MIL would ask first! She buys stuff as she finds it and when one of the grandkids is finally big enough (she thinks) to wear it she sends it. :glare:


My mum always asks me their size first - my MIL just sends me stuff that never fits even though I've told her over and over to ask the sizes first.


I can usually pass clothes meant for my 4yo DS to my 2 yo DS but clothes for my DD usually go straight in the give away pile. I've taken to opening parcels from my MIL in private because my DD gets disappointed when she sees something she likes and it doesn't fit.


Usually what I do is let the kids tell MIL themselves :D


MIL will ask DD "Oh did you like X that I sent"


and DD will reply "Yes Grandma but it was too small- can you buy a bigger one next time?" :lol:

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