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Can I just say..

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And Can I Just Say...That Cyndi Girl is rock-solid. :D Plus, she is remarkably good at spotting potential business failures.


Also, I'm not a huge Skarsgard fan; I've been leaving him entirely for Nakia, but...stop the train! Bounce a dime off those abdominals! :svengo:

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And Can I Just Say...That Cyndi Girl is rock-solid. :D Plus, she is remarkably good at spotting potential business failures.


Also, I'm not a huge Skarsgard fan; I've been leaving him entirely for Nakia, but...stop the train! Bounce a dime off those abdominals! :svengo:


Hey, thanks Quill! I appreciate your kindness! ;)


And, heck yeah, Cyndi rocks!!!!

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Ya'll, I so want to put that absolutely yummalicious man on my laptop backround...but I think my DH might be a tiny bit jealous. Though with a husband that looks like this:


I don't see why he would be!


Nah, I'm seriously kidding.


This is really my hubby:



Really! :lol:


Hubby has been really working on those abs too...I think a picture of Skarsgard's lovely anatomy would totally crush his motivation... poor fella. I think I'll just bookmark this post for later oogling, :lol:


The Lord has definitely blessed some people in this world is all I can say!



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