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Did Day 1 of Couch to 5K today...

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I am waiting until it is cooler to really start. I am sorry even 70 is to hot for me.


Dh says I should live in the arctic. :D



I don't like hot weather bc I'm hot ALL the time. But I don't like really COLD weather either... today it was close to 80 here, but it still wasn't too bad. Idk, 80 in October feels different than 80 in May to me... or I'm just nuts :lol:

And thanks for all the encouragement!!! Its weird how exercising can make me feel half dead at the same time I feel good! :lol:

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I started about a year ago but then fell off the wagon in week 4 or 5.


I've been walking on my treadmill lately, (to dangerous to walk/run outside where I live, think long windy not well lit road with no sidewalks) but have been thinking about try C25K again. I'm really trying to lose weight (need to loose 40-50lbs) so I'm not sure which would do me more good.


ETA: I almost forgot to say Congrats, I know it got easier for me as the weeks went on. When I started it before I was one that had always said "I'll run if someones chasing me with a knife" but I actually started to enjoy it. Although to most it wouldn't have been running since the fastest I can walk with my short legs is 3mph, my "running" was 4-4.5 mph at most.

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Congrats, Kara.


I started about a year ago but then fell off the wagon in week 4 or 5.


Sounds like me. :tongue_smilie:


I know it got easier for me as the weeks went on. When I started it before I was one that had always said "I'll run if someones chasing me with a knife" but I actually started to enjoy it. Although to most it wouldn't have been running since the fastest I can walk with my short legs is 3mph, my "running" was 4-4.5 mph at most.


Again, sounds like me, even down to the "I'll run if someone is chasing me w/ a knife...." :lol:


I am working on it again, though. I'm still here to tell about it.... ;):tongue_smilie:

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