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About that shaken baby

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Thank you for the update. I've been trying to keep up with what's happening on the facebook page...but I haven't checked it in awhile, and it moves so fast.


He's just so sweet and precious....the thought of someone doing that is unimaginable. What's become of that woman?? Whenever the media says someone "allegedly" did something, weeks later....it makes me wonder if it's because they deny it.


Hope you'll be able to keep updating us all here.

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So sad, I hope he continues to recover. Our dear friends fostered and have recently adopted a child that was shaken at 1 month old by his mother. His injuries were so severe- he is permanently brain damaged, blind (though he seems to have delayed ability to follow shadows), he has digestive problems that require he eats all his food by bottle even now at 3.5 yrs, he throws up and drools constantly, he's unable to talk or walk, but he can crawl. He is such a sweetie! It breaks my heart that someone could have hurt such an innocent, helpless infant. Last year a couple we met through the church Sunday School outreach were charged in the shaking death of their 3 week old infant, the mother was eventually cleared, but the father is still facing manslaughter. It just makes me so angry, especially having dealt with infertility for years, it just seems so unfair...

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