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Teacher's Lodge for 10/11/11

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Welcome to the lodge. Come on in...there is room for everyone!

What's the weather for your area today? Are the leaves changing colors yet?


What's on the menu for today? Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?


What is your favorite subject to cover with your kids? What is your least favorite? Why?


Do you have any exciting plans for today?


Have a great day!

Edited by MamaAkins
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Good Morning, Mama!


Weather - gray and dank


Menu -

Breakfast - 2 eggs, waffle

Lunch - salad with protein (details yet to be determined)

Dinner - probably leftovers


Favorite subject with ds14: History/Lit discussions.

Favorite subject with dd9: Math. I'm sort of writing my own right now by combining materials from about 3 or 4 different places. I'm finding that I'm "really teaching" instead of just following a script and that's fun. Also- dd is liking math for the first time since she was in kindergarten and that's fun too!


Exciting plans - Hmmm. Zumba tonight? Otherwise most of today is the same old same old.

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Come on in...there is room in the lodge for all!


What's the weather for your area today? Are the leaves changing colors yet?


What's on the menu for today? Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?


What is your favorite subject to cover with your kids? What is your least favorite? Why?


Do you have any exciting plans for today?


Have a great day!


We are technically on our Fall break right now and visiting family in OH. The weather is cloudy and it was a little cool out. The leaves are changing color here.


Breakfast was cereal. We are headed out to a pizza place for lunch. I have no idea about dinner yet.


My favorite subject is math because I have a math degree. I do like science and history, too, though. My least favorite is probably penmanship. I can't seem to teach either of my children to have great handwriting.


My plans are to do laundry this evening and pack so we can head back home tomorrow. I do have exciting plans for the weekend. I'm headed to the apple festival in north GA with my sisters. We're staying in a cabin in a mountain resort.

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What's the weather for your area today? Are the leaves changing colors yet? Wet and cool. Highs in the mid-60's and calling for rain throughout today and tomorrow. A few leaves have begun to change, but nothing spectacular yet.

What's on the menu for today? Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? Breakfast was a hodge podge of cereal, waffles, pancakes and fruit. Lunch will probably be leftovers. Dinner is in the crockpot--Black Bean Chicken Taco Stew served with rice and either tortillas or cornbread.


What is your favorite subject to cover with your kids? What is your least favorite? Why? At the moment, I'm enjoying spelling with my two middle kids. It's great to see them "get it" and understand WHY we spell words a certain way! Thank you, All About Spelling!! My least favorite is geometry with my 9th grader. Math is not my specialty! I'll leave that for my dh!


Do you have any exciting plans for today? Nope. If my son doesn't speed up on his math, he's not going to have fun plans for later today either. I've already threatened that if he doesn't focus on his math, he's not going to be able to go to scouts this evening. UGH!

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What's the weather for your area today? Are the leaves changing colors yet? Weather is a balmy 22C (72F) - just gorgeous. Leaves are bursting with reds, golds and browns. Fall is my favourite season.


What's on the menu for today? Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? Leftover turkey, leftover turkey, leftover turkey.


What is your favorite subject to cover with your kids? What is your least favorite? Why? My favourite lately is grammar because I am learning so much myself and GWG seems to really click with my kids. My least favourite is writing because I just don't know what to expect, how to "mark" it, how to inspire them, how to help them. Y'know......


Do you have any exciting plans for today? School for today is just the 3 Rs since the weather is so nice and isn't likely going to last. After lunch, kids will play road hockey and I will get some work done.

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Good Morning!


What's the weather for your area today? Sunny and mid 70s right now. We are finally getting some cooler weather in the mornings.


Are the leaves changing colors yet? Everything is dead and brown from this oppressive drought we are experiencing.


What's on the menu for today? Breakfast? Waffles Lunch? I have no idea Dinner? I have meatballs in the crockpot for meatball subs


What is your favorite subject to cover with your kids? Literature, probably because my degree is in English Lit. I could talk books all day long.


What is your least favorite? Science Why? Because I have yet to find a curriculum that is Science and not Science with Religion or Science trying to derail any religious idea.


Do you have any exciting plans for today? Just to make it thru this day.


Have a great day! You too!

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Weather: sunny and relatively cool. By "relatively cool", I mean below 90.


Menu: I decline to answer because breakfast included an embarrassing amount of sugar.


Favorite subject: English. I love the creative possibilities for writing and watching Ariel's spelling morph from caveman-like to a mature homo sapien's.


Least favorite subject: Math. We get it done and she's learning it, but it's not fun and we both get easily frustrated with it, albeit for different reasons.


Plans for today: Get my lazy butt up and exercise, and avoid my computer this evening. Perhaps dinner. Perhaps not.

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What's the weather for your area today? Are the leaves changing colors yet?

They are! It's a little chilly, but it's warming up in the afternoons now.


What's on the menu for today? Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?

Oy. Today is a pick-up day. We're trying not to go grocery shopping until Thursday afternoon, so it was leftovers for breakfast and lunch and dinner gets to be soup and sandwiches.


What is your favorite subject to cover with your kids? What is your least favorite? Why?

Hands down favorite is history. We have so many opportunities here to get out and TOUCH it. A close second would be literature. There are a lot of fun projects and research to do. Least favorite would be writing. He's not naturally good at it and doesn't like it, so it's like pulling teeth to get anything that's workable.



Do you have any exciting plans for today?

Nope! :D Today was PE and golf day, so we did school in the morning and then hung out between activities. We have a weekly ritual of going to the grocery store after PE and getting a small snack to eat as we chat at the little tables there. It's the best chance I have to check in with my kid without putting on my mom hat.

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It's been unusually warm here the last week or so, but its raining today so we may finally head down to the normal late 50s, early 60s. Colorwise we're just past peak season, meaning almost all of the maple leaves are gone but we still have a healthy load of red, gold, orange, and brown oak, aspen, birch, etc. And stately fir as well.


Only a dinner menu (roasted chicken and potatoes, broccoli). Sourdough bread (with butter of course) and tea for breakfast. Maybe yogurt and almonds for lunch (with a piece of plum kuchen thrown in).


I love Science. Mostly because I'm making it up right now. We're doing a unit on Botany and we're doing some Ellen McHenry and some Botany in a Day. I also like finding additional writing topics and movies for History. I'm not as fond of Spelling because I don't have a program for it right now (and am not sure how much the 6th grader needs) and Writing because I'm so fussy about it and rarely like things.


No fun things. Youngest is having a tough seizure day. Hopefully we'll make it out to 11 year old's piano lesson.

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Thanks for filling in, MamaA! You're doing a fine job.


Our weather is sunny and gorgeous, and yes, the leaves have turned. They are probably right at their peak this week.


Breakfast was a smoothie for me, and an egg burrito for my DD.


Lunch was butternut squash soup and cream cheese on toast for both of us.


Dinner will be Kielbasa, peppers, and tomatoes tossed with pasta, and a salad.


My favorite subject to cover is math because it's the one in which I have to invest the most time and energy to make sure I'm doing it right, so I think there's some emotional attachment going on there.:lol: My least favorite is probably health right now, because I'm using things I've pulled together and it feels too hodge-podgey so I tend to ignore it, hoping it will go away.


My exciting plans for the day have been carried out already. I woke this morning with two goals: (1)Vacuum thoroughly and intently in an effort to help my cats beat their flea problem. (2)Sit down with my girl and plan a Halloween get-together for our friends. If anything else "exciting" happens today, well that will just be icing on the cake.

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Good morning.


The weather is a perfect 65 and sunny. The leaves are green and golden.

Breakfast was my typical homemade granola and fat-free Greek yogurt with berries. Lunch will be leftovers. Dinner tonight will be a frittata and a tomato salad with basil.


Exciting plans? No. I try avoid exciting things during the week; otherwise, we'd never get anything done.

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Weather is overcast but temperate. Leaves are just beginning to change. The dogwoods are the first, followed by the sides of the maples that get the morning sun.


Breakfast: granola, lunch: sauteed chicken-onion-mushroom wrap, dinner: homemade pizza.


Favorite subject: always History. Least favorite: Math


Exciting plans for today: Tuesdays are always pretty boring around here, just schoolwork and housework.

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We are having a fabulous fall-ish day. It's neither hot, nor cold, and it's breezy enough to be quite pleasant.


Today we ate oatmeal for breakfast, and fresh fruit for a morning snack. We woke up earlier than usual this morning, so we're hungrier than usual! We're going out for lunch today. A friend of mine is flying through our city, so we're going to pick her up for the few hours she is in town. We'll let her choose lunch. Dinner tonight will also be eaten out :blush: we have some soccer and baseball games we'll be running between, plus a scout meeting and martial arts. We're gone from 4pm - 10pm tonight so it'll be a hodge podge of car-dining.


Favorite subject to teach? I'm an artist, so anything that incorporates art is always my favorite. Today that happened to be Faith with my daughter (we're doing a study of female Saints and did some crafty stuff and coloring). I love doing history with my son; he's so philosophical and we get into some really deep, thought-provoking (even for me!) conversations and arguments about history's finest. He's definitely an old soul.


Exciting plans for today involve visiting with my friend :D less exciting plans include folding laundry once we get home tonight (though it will give me a chance to catch up on my trashy DVR shows - I'm behind on Project Runway!)


I hope you all have a great day, too!

Edited by eternalknot
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Weather is overcast but temperate. Leaves are just beginning to change. The dogwoods are the first, followed by the sides of the maples that get the morning sun.



I'm envious. Dogwoods and Japanese Maples are my most favorite to watch. We don't see many of those where I currently live :(


I'm also jealous of those of you who enjoy teaching math and science. I wish I could find the love. Or the desire for that matter. My kids love both subjects, which they apparently get from their father. I feel so alone in my wordy, artsy world!

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