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encourage me, or kick my butt

momma aimee

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Monday we schooled as normal. I am thinking i need to press forward with DS1 more -- but not sure how to do it, he can handle the material but not the attention and the "process".


Then Tuesday at 9am we rush to ER with DS2 and spend the day in 2 hospitals with him. Get home really late.


wed DH goes back to work, my mom is here, and we do medical follow up and frankly I am fried.


Thursday i had out patient surgery.


today (Friday) I have been wiped. Mom is here, but usually we do school regardless. I am pretty happen just to have 2 healthy 'normal' kids at this point. Tue could have gone much differently and we could have lost him, not brought him home 13 hours later perfectly normal


so we did school ONE day this week -- uh that is NOT pushing forward like i have been thinking we need to do LOL


tell me to get to work, or tell me next week HAS to be better.

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Hospitals are not conducive to school work.


Next week will be better!


I have done RS type math games in hospitals, but not much else. My kids can get some regular school work done at my wait in the allergy clinic after my shots, clinics are more conducive to school work.

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Hospitals are not conducive to school work.


Next week will be better!


I have done RS type math games in hospitals, but not much else. My kids can get some regular school work done at my wait in the allergy clinic after my shots, clinics are more conducive to school work.



:iagree: next week will be better! Please don't stress about this week.

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Oh goodness. Fu get about it!


Seriously, that is a lot of stuff to handle. Rest for the weekend. Take it easy next weekend. Let the stress and anxiety settle. I might consider making sure everyone takes their vitamins, extra vitamin D and C.


I would dose everyone with Rescue Remedy every 3 hours for the next few days, too.

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Next week will be better!:D


About a month ago, my mother broke her arm on a Tuesday so I spent the rest of the week taking care of her house and my own so school was brushed under the rug that week. We made up for it the next week by schooling an extra day and I felt good about that.


That's why homeschooling is so wonderful - FLEXABILITY!!!

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I definitely would have skipped the week for that!


I school year round, partly because I can be guilt free when life happens, or if the nice fall weather makes the kids want to play outside. :D


:iagree:If it makes you feel better, due to a quick & unexpected moved, a long-ago-planned vacation, and having a baby, we haven't done any school for a month. One day at a time.

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I don't think we have done a full year of school yet. Every year I have some reason such as being pregnant with morning sickness or having a baby (repeat the process a few times). The year I was in the hospital for 2 months and had a baby who was in the NICU for 4 mo we didn't get a whole lot done. Life and living is far more important than school.


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We would not have done school those days either. And if I had had Out patient surgery on Thursday, I would have spent friday relaxing just because. ;) In fact, after that stressful of a week, we would probably spend next Monday catching up on read-a-louds while we cuddled on the couch, then play some math games, and maybe do a fun art project and had a half day of school.

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what are you worrying about?


Life happens. School will work itself out. How we handle the stress of life is an education to our children all by itself. If you handle these eventualities with grace, kindness, and a willingness to put things aside and allow everyone rest for a day or two (no worrying about if you read aloud or shoved a workbook under their noses when you had a spare second), then they will realize that relationships, caring and taking care of oneself is a huge priority. Learning and school work is maximized when mom and kids are rested and centered. That needs to be the priority.

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Big did a learn about taking care of little as we RUSHED to ER and then to PICU for the day. That is for certain, he had to lay down his activities and just sit most of the day; i do not think he was worried, I do not think he really understood, but he did some what.


I am feeling better.


now i am just tired -- lol

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