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How long have I been hs'ing?

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I started in '05, I know that for sure. That should be easy math.


We started oldest that year in K. He's in 5th grade now, & we spread 3rd over 2 yrs--still moving ahead in the basics, but taking an extra year for SOTW. Mainly because I'd started him at 4yo (winter bday), & I realized I could always let him go early at the end, but I could hardly convince him to stay home an extra year. I wanted to keep my options open.


So 5th g + K = 6yrs. 2011-2005 = 6 yrs. Where did the extra year of 3rd grade go? Do I need a poll? :lol:


And as long as we're at it, when do I earn my veteran hs'er star? Do I have to graduate one, or can I have it sooner? Do I get to add years that I was hs'd to earn the badge?


Apparently, hormones make me unable to add & deeply covetous of gold stars. And pb cookies. :lol:

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5th grade will end in 2012....that makes 7 yrs.


2005-2006 k

2006-2007 1st #3 was born in May

2007-2008 2nd #4 was born in Aug...

2008-2010 3rd Aha! You skipped '09! Oh...no...you included it...oh, I see.

2010-2011 4th

2011-2012 5th


You have been homeschooling 6 years. When you finish 5th it will be 7.;)


But where's the extra year of 3rd grade? I don't think I dreamed it...


Ok. Got it. Six years. When you can't count to six, people start to wonder if you should be hs'ing. :001_huh:

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I ask myself those questions all the time.


One thing I have to remember --- we school more or less year round, no clear "start in September, end in May, that's one school year" schedule. It's seriously messed me up, because sometimes a year started and ended and the next one began before a calendar year was over. So, maybe we schooled PreK in March to August of '01, then went right to K from Aug to whenever (April?), then 1st grade in June to Feb, and then 2nd grade from April to December, and so forth & so on.


So, my calendar years and my grade levels have never matched up well. Like you, we started early, slowed down in the middle (3rd grade here too!), etc. and I only hold in my head the fact we first ordered a curriculum in March 2001. And my oldest is an 8th grader right now. And I have no idea then how long we hs'ed, because 2001 was PreK, he also did 2 yrs of 3rd grade (slowing him back down to his age/grade), and we just did a non-year between 7th and 8th because we're trying to switch over to a US, Sep to May schedule after all so we're all lined up for high school.


I don't even have pregnancy hormones to blame it on......quick, find me an excuse for not being able to count.... ;)

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I started in '05, I know that for sure. That should be easy math.


We started oldest that year in K. He's in 5th grade now, & we spread 3rd over 2 yrs--still moving ahead in the basics, but taking an extra year for SOTW. Mainly because I'd started him at 4yo (winter bday), & I realized I could always let him go early at the end, but I could hardly convince him to stay home an extra year. I wanted to keep my options open.


So 5th g + K = 6yrs. 2011-2005 = 6 yrs. Where did the extra year of 3rd grade go? Do I need a poll? :lol:


And as long as we're at it, when do I earn my veteran hs'er star? Do I have to graduate one, or can I have it sooner? Do I get to add years that I was hs'd to earn the badge?


Apparently, hormones make me unable to add & deeply covetous of gold stars. And pb cookies. :lol:


So when you were here in 2001 did you have children? Was your oldest born yet?

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We started homeschooling in first grade, makes it easy to count the years of homeschooling. We're in our 8th year, 8th grade. But to determine the year we started I had to do backwards math. :lol:


My first question on stuff like that is, where were we living at the time.


I have an excellent memory, but for the life of me I can't remember how old our cat is. :lol:We got one cat, but he was a pain. We took him back to my mom's and exchanged for another kitten. I have no clue what year that was. I know my dog's exact birthdate though.

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So when you were here in 2001 did you have children? Was your oldest born yet?


I lurked a little bit in the early 2000s when my oldest was very small. I didn't know people joined before they were really hs'ing, & I was too embarrassed to post anything. I'd read WTM twice & spent 10 years or more outlining how I wanted to hs, & I wanted nothing more than to be friends w/ some hs'ing mamas, but...I started actually posting...in 2005.


I couldn't figure out the old boards well enough to post & follow a thread at first, but some local WTM'ers had a park day & posted it to the WTM Yahoo group, which I was on. After talking to them for a few hrs, I gave the old boards another try. And that's what happened to the next six years of my life. :lol:

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