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"easy" week ideas?


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A couple of years ago we did a 6 weeks on/1 week off schedule that I quite liked, but I think I'd like to do more of a 5-6 weeks on/1 easy-fun week instead. So I'm looking for educational ideas that are fun and don't seem like regular school. I am going to pull out any math games we have and get some of those "fun" grammar books from the library...other thoughts? Anything to make the week seem extra awesome. :001_smile:

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Don't know what the weather is where you are, but... get OUTSIDE! Even (especially) if, like me, you're not really an outdoors person. Read chapter books. Grab blobs of clay and MAKE SOMETHING. Let them stay up late to watch stars. (well, maybe not the ds2!)


I dunno... enjoy!


Oh - there's also the possibility of a 1-week unit study, if you're into that. Like pick a theme for the week and run with it in any unschooly way you want!

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have your children cook a meal or bake by doubling or halving a recipe?


visit a science museum in your area


nature walk


schoolhouse rock, cyberchase videos


watch a movie they've recently read a book about


online educational games are a big hit here...


finally get around to doing those big, messy art projects

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We have enjoyed the strategy behind the sequence games, but this one is helping to associate states with their capital and even a little about the state shape. My daughter, 8 years old, (not into strategy games - because she is the youngest and works the hardest at them) declared "this game is some what boring." I let her know "it is more fun that writing all the states and their capitals." She agreed and now brings the game out to play, mind you she has NEVER had to write the states and the capitals and neither has her brother! :lol:


I did not look for a good price, just a link to show the game



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Ugg.. it just ate a long post that I typed for you. I will try to paraphrase. We just took a light week in lieu of fall break here after doing a full, busy 9 weeks. What we did was drop math and English and phonics. We kept up read alouds, spelling, latin, history and science. We were able to do a lot more with history and science this week without the pressure of trying to get everything done. On top of that we did:


1 day at the pumpkin patch with family.

1 day at a museum with scouts (already planned field trip, but worked out perfectly with our week.)

1 afternoon we spent a couple of hours at the zoo.

1 afternoon we visited a relative in the hospital and then went to the library for a couple of hours.

Kids did LOTS of reading with their free time.

1 day we did a 3 legged race in the backyard.

1 day we did a nature walk to the park, counted our steps on the way with a pedometer, counted how many different kinds of leaves we found, and then worked on our monkey bar skills :)


So we didn't have to plan any big unit studies or games. We just enjoyed our free time and did a lot of fun outside activities and spent more time reading.

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When my kids earn a flexible day or days, they wake up to a menu, and a challenge to reach 450 points each. If they cooperate and both do an activity, they are each awarded the full points, but can only claim points from on activity once in a day, even if they choose to repeat it for fun. Other than that, no real rules-- it's about relaxing more, having some freedom, and enjoying the day while still learning.


On the menu: stuff we don't normally do, or don't do as often this particular year, plus a few things I would like them to do daily anyway.



Read a library book for 1 hour = 75 points

(they read every day anyway, but always pick this one)


Fly a kite 30 minutes = 50 points

Snap circuits = 50 points

Help make dinner = 50 points

Stomp rockets 30 minutes = 50 points

Khan Academy 30 minutes = 50 points

Program a scene from a history lesson in "Alice" = 50 points

Write a 1-page story, with a beginning, a problem, and a conclusion = 100 points

Hike through the woods and identify 5 trees using field guide = 100 points



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We did a "lite" week this week, not necessarily looking for overally fun (like big projects), more for lite (I wanted to do a bunch of painting projects around the house and basically wanted some free time while they did constructive stuff). This is what we did:

From 8-9:30ish we did math and reading/phonics (these are the things I just hate to let go).

For the rest of the day they did the following:

-LOTS of outside time in the sandbox, riding scooters, hide and seek, in their tents, etc...

-I put all the educational sites I like for them to go on on one folder in our favorites (math cats, starfall, xtra math, magic schoolbus, nasa pics, etc...) and let them all have about 45 min. a day to do those.

-I put a few new audio books on the ipod and let them listen to that in the playroom while they built with legos and lincoln logs.

-they did lots of painting and pladough, wikisticks, etc...

-we met friends at the park one afternoon

-some fun educational videos (magic school bus, leapfrog)

-I read Farmer Boy to them (not on our Sonlight schedule, just one I knew they'd love). We also checked out a ton of library books and read those for quite a while each day (we try to do that always but it can get pushed aside...I really gave extra time to it this week).

-Unlimited time playing with their toys :)


Not that exciting, but they have loved it


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