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10/5/11 Breakfast Table

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I loathe, LOATHE cereal for breakfast (I prefer supper for breakfast*), so this morning I'm enjoying the last of my crockpotted collard greens, along with pinto beans & cornbread w/ honey, and a cup of coffee (it's the coffee that distinguishes this meal from other times of the day, you see).


Anybody else having a non-breakfast breakfast? Or are you breakfast breakfast people?





* especially leftovers, like cold pizza or cold Chinese food or the other half of a birthday cake

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I make pretty traditional breakfasts for the kids, but that doesn't include cold cereal. Each of them has a sort of rotation of things the like to eat.


For my son, it's usually: hash brown patties, oatmeal, banana chocolate chip muffins (I make a big batch and freeze them), toast and hash browns. He drinks a protein powder-spiked fruit smoothie pretty much every morning.


My daughter likes biscuits, toast and hash brown patties, pumpkin muffins, waffles and occasionally oatmeal. She doesn't like the smoothies, so she drinks soy milk and a small glass of calcium-fortified OJ and eats some kind of fruit.


Generally, I make a little extra of whatever one of them is having and eat that.


* especially leftovers, like cold pizza or cold Chinese food or the other half of a birthday cake


I'm definitely with you on the cake thing, though. As far as I'm concerned, the best breakfast in the world is last night's left-over dessert.

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I had leftover rotisserie chicken dipped in mayo. :D


Oddly, this sounds really good right now. :)


I'm trying to stay away from the cereal, but don't have anything else 'normal' for breakfast. I do have leftover roast chicken and I <3 Trader Joe's mayo.


And I love to have cold pizza for breakfast. Or leftover dessert.

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I loathe, LOATHE cereal for breakfast (I prefer supper for breakfast*), so this morning I'm enjoying the last of my crockpotted collard greens, along with pinto beans & cornbread w/ honey, and a cup of coffee (it's the coffee that distinguishes this meal from other times of the day, you see).


Anybody else having a non-breakfast breakfast? Or are you breakfast breakfast people?





* especially leftovers, like cold pizza or cold Chinese food or the other half of a birthday cake




Hey, that's a good idea! Do you put your greens in the crock pot over night?


I have decided that the only way to get way more fruits and veggies into my diet is to eat non-traditional breakfast stuff for breakfast. I was just brainstorming last night :)


I have Insulin Resistance and PCOS, so I'm not supposed to eat cereal at all. I hate oatmeal and cream of wheat. I'm getting SOOOOOO tired of eggs and hash browns/toast.


Collard greens and corn bread sounds good to me!! I could even add a few slices of bacon.


I'm also thinking of roasted, diced sweet potatoes with my eggs. Potstickers with some sauteed bok choy. Stuff like that.


I'm not supposed to have bagels (which I LOVE) but I just found some Pumpernickel bagels at MOMS Organic Market. Pumpernickel bread is very low on the glycemic index, so I've been having those periodically.


I can't figure out why it's so "weird" to have regular food for breakfast. As in, why do I feel weird making this stuff for breakfast?? :confused:

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Hey, that's a good idea! Do you put your greens in the crock pot over night?


Collard greens and corn bread sounds good to me!! I could even add a few slices of bacon.


I'm also thinking of roasted, diced sweet potatoes with my eggs. Potstickers with some sauteed bok choy. Stuff like that.


I'm not supposed to have bagels (which I LOVE) but I just found some Pumpernickel bagels at MOMS Organic Market. Pumpernickel bread is very low on the glycemic index, so I've been having those periodically.


I can't figure out why it's so "weird" to have regular food for breakfast. As in, why do I feel weird making this stuff for breakfast?? :confused:


I sauteed stuff (onion, garlic, bacon bits) and wilted the greens stovetop, then crockpotted on low with brown sugar & chicken broth all afternoon. Can't think of any reason it wouldn't work overnight. It was so good I licked the bowl.


The potstickers and bok choy sound awesome; somebody else said eggrolls, which also sound fabulous. As does the pot of rice! and kale with pepper flakes... Anybody up for a SERIOUS breakfast buffet?!


Lunch is going to be depressing now.


--though I just came across the idea of making mini-quiches in a muffin tin. I wonder if I could make that with skim milk instead of heavy cream, or would it totally fall apart?

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I have refried pinto beans and Spicy V-8 juice quite often for breakfast. Sometimes I'll have the beans with a side of cottage cheese and a scrambled egg, which I'd never do any other time of day. Not sure why that combo seems like breakfast to me but it always hits the spot.


Another breakfast for me is a green smoothie and nuts or an egg on the side, but that one's intentional right now while I'm trying to remedy low iron.


Today I was throwing together some black beans, salsa, lime juice, cumin, chopped onions, frozen corn, and shredded chicken at 5:00 AM, intending to save it for lunch. I ended up eating a cereal bowl full of it to go along with my green tea. MrTea sat across from me with his coffee and English Muffin, just shaking his head.


I love non-traditional breakfasts! Pancakes and hashbrowns are evening foods. :D

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We eat traditional breakfast. Most often that's scrambled eggs with onions, spinach, and sausage, because it's fast and easy. I serve it with lots of fruit on the side.


We also eat pancakes, waffles, french toast, regular toast, fried eggs, homemade McMuffins, etc. Sometimes we have sweet breakfasts like chocolate muffins, pumpkin muffins, cinnamon rolls, donuts, etc.


Rarely, we'll have cold cereal. I buy the cereal only when I can get it for $2 per box or less, and I need quick breakfast they can serve themselves. When we have cereal, we usually finish it off before returning to cooked breakfasts.

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I guess we're more traditional breakfast people. I make a lot of pancakes and muffins that I freeze, so we have a lot of that. Also, a lot of oatmeal and baked oatmeal.

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We LOVE cereal. We eat it all day around here. Also instant oatmeal. So glad the kids are old enough to use the microwave!! Sometimes I trick them into eating cereal or oatmeal for dinner by calling it "silly dinner." They think it's great!


Having said that, I will also eat gladly eat pizza, chicken, or cake for breakfast, or any meal. I'm an equal opportunity eater!

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