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What do you do with the art...

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I seriously never know. I don't mind being Buddhist about it and chucking it in the trash, but I feel like that sets a bad example for the kids, who I want to take pride in at least some of the things they draw. But it's not like I've got some portfolio of doodles it's going to go in if it's good enough. Plus, I do other artistic things (like block prints and calligraphy) that feel like my "real" artistic outlet.

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I put everyone's up on the fridge or bulletin board. Then when I have something new to put up, mine gets tossed which they don't really notice. I save most of theirs for the year and then at the end of the year pick out a couple to save for longer. The rest gets tossed.

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Mine usually end up in the recycling bin although sometimes my sentimental middle child will pull them out and save them with his things.


The kids' stuff is saved for the year and then we have an Art Night. All their art work is displayed in our main living area along with sone things from their cousins in ps. Then we invite grandma, granpa, aunts, uncles etc over for some finger foods and a chance to meet the artists. :001_smile: After the show the kids get to keep a few of their best works and the rest I photograph and then recycle.

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If I like it, I hang it up with their project. If not, it gets put with the rest of my art. I have a fine arts degree and I have stacks of projects stashed all over the place. I make art for the fun of it even when my kids aren't so I guess I'm used to saving it. I make more art than they do because they get frustrated with it. :( I can't get them to just relax, put the pencil on the paper, and be ok with what comes out.

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Each week's project will hang up in the dining room until we do art again, including my copy. Then I'll save theirs and recycle mine.


DS1 and DD1 are both doing Atelier, and DD2 (3) usually doodles or paints along with us. I'm not sure yet if I'm going to keep hers after we take them down or recycle them along with mine. She'll do the program in a few years, when she is 7 and DS1 is 5. I know I don't really need to keep hers, but it's harder to chuck hers than it is to chuck mine.

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I put my on the fridge with ds's. I make an art folder every year and file it when I take them down. My art folder is simply a piece of posterboard folded in half and stapled on the sides, that's how we made our art folders in high school.


We usually take a day to decorate the outside of the posterboard. I usually go through at the end of the year and keep the good ones.


I never thought too much about it until I went into my parents basement. It was the year 2000. My dad still had up a drawing of a bicycle I did in 1976. It made me feel good to see it still there, so I keep artwork. Right now I have a piece ds did last year hanging in the classroom, it's just an impromptu marker project. It's cool and he likes to see his artwork hanging next to a daVinci copy.

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