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good Civil War era movies for the 5th-6th grade crowd?

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Is The Blue and the Grey going to be too boring for a 4th-5th grader? I saw it when it came on tv orginally, but don't remember much about it. I remember The North and the South had more soap opera drama/love story in it. (Love stories are currently NOT enjoyed by my 9yo!LOL!)


Does B&G have less soap opera drama and more history? Would he like that? Does anyone have any suggestions that aren't mini series? But movies, not documentaries. (making them shorter than a mulity night mini series?)

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My son who is 8 LOVED Gettysburg. I thought it was well done without being gory/graphic.


We may have to check that one out.


Can anyone tell me about North and South? I remember having to watch it for 7th grade, but don't remember a thing about it other than Jim Bob from the Walton's was a little brother in it. (the odd things we remember...)

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How about The Conspirator? It's a movie about the trial of Mary Surrat (the first woman to ever be executed in America, being found guilty of being an accomplice to Lincoln's murder) and it was made by the American Film Company, which pledges to make historical dramas that are as factual as possible. Large portions of the film were taken directly from the trial's transcript.


My only reservation would be that some of the movie would go over the head of young kids, so you should definitely watch it for yourself first before you decide. It's a movie I tell everyone they should see, anyway. :)

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How about The Conspirator? It's a movie about the trial of Mary Surrat (the first woman to ever be executed in America, being found guilty of being an accomplice to Lincoln's murder) and it was made by the American Film Company, which pledges to make historical dramas that are as factual as possible. Large portions of the film were taken directly from the trial's transcript.


My only reservation would be that some of the movie would go over the head of young kids, so you should definitely watch it for yourself first before you decide. It's a movie I tell everyone they should see, anyway. :)


Is this the one that came out this year? We had seen previews for it and had said we wanted to take our son, but then I never saw another thing about it outside those previews so totally forgot about it.


Come to think of it, the only time I saw the previews was when we saw "The King's Speech". Once us, and then a second time when we took the then 8yo.


I'll have to look into this. Thanks.

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