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No more crying...

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If you didn't get the spoon you wanted,


if you thought it would be a good idea to lean on a piece of furniture precariously & (duh!) got hurt,


if it's not fair,


if you have to wait,


if, if, if.


I'm sorry you're hurt, but really, the screaming-kind-of-crying quota was met in the first ten min today. So say ouch. And QUIT IT!! :tongue_smilie:

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My eldest can do this sometimes, lately it can be due to piano.


For example two weeks ago he slumped over lied down and moaned because he had to practice a song that was so difficult. :( He is then playing it happily and well now.


When he is practicing well and in a good mood I will tell him a story. Last week when you had to practice X you did this, ... (act it out) and this (more acting out) and now it's not so bad. So next time it is rough for you lets try to deal with it in this way. Or else you will have to see me reenact your 'bad' behaviour the following week.


I then put in lots of effort into moaning and groaning. And because I'm bigger I can do a very impressive job. This gets my boys laughing. I do find it helps my eldest learn how inappropriate it is to have a fall down moaning fest over a song. Add in discussion on how to correct the behavior and it goes away for him.... And then a few weeks or months later may show up about something else. :glare:

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We had about three hours of whiny crying on Sunday over practicing his contact skills for tae kwon do (which he has to do if he wants to test for his next belt, yet he was adamant that he didn't care about getting a new belt) practicing piano, and also probably about nothing in particular. I thought I was going to lose my mind, and I probably did for a while.


At least yesterday when his instructor told the class to stand up if they wanted to test for their next belt this time, he stood up.

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Also no crying simply because your math lesson is taking longer than you want it to.


I mean, really. You're only gonna make it take even LONGER by crying!


Or because I won't let you flick a pencil across the table during grammar,


or write on your face w/ said pencil,


or retrieve it Right. In. Front. Of. Me. after I take it away,


or because you can't seem to Copy. The. Correct. Spelling. Of. Things. COPY. Not figure out.

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