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The Teachers Lodge 9-26-2-11

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It's Monday. Somebody turn off the lights and close the door, I need some more sleep! Can there just be a day of the week that is not an actual, named day but a "catch up" day, so we can catch up on stuff or have an extra day to get prepared for things without other expectations, please? :tongue_smilie:


What's for lunch today? I haven't even had breakfast yet, don't ask about lunch!


What's on the schedule for today? Here: waking up! Then getting done whatever schoolwork can get done. Tonight, I have ballet class and a a meeting. :auto:God willing, my husband won't have to work another 16 hour day today! :glare:


Now it's your turn to ask me a question! :D:lurk5:


Talk to me! :bigear:

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More sleep on on No-Name Day? Nice idea, but that can't be today. I'm ahead for a Monday and plan to keep it that way.


Lunch is leftovers - chicken & spinach sausage with potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, and beet greens. Strange, but it is one of my favorite one-dish meals - the type of greens change as do the type of chicken sausage but the main flavor is the same. Quick, easy, delicious, and hearty.


Today - school work is done for the little one. The bigger one is just getting started. This afternoon she's going to start organizing and putting away books on our new shelves. Our little reading nook is coming together nicely. My only Monday meeting was rescheduled for tomorrow. Tonight we have cello then tap dancing. Pot roast is already started for dinner.


A question for you? How was your weekend retreat thing?

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Can there just be a day of the week that is not an actual, named day but a "catch up" day, so we can catch up on stuff or have an extra day to get prepared for things without other expectations, please? Get the petition ready, and I'll be the first to sign!


What's for lunch today? I haven't even had breakfast yet, don't ask about lunch! Ditto


What's on the schedule for today? I get two hours of uninterrupted writing today while my dd13 is in ballet class. Yay! I've been looking forward to this since last week.


Now it's your turn to ask me a question! How long have you been taking ballet?

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Lunch - salad with protein. I had some blood sugar problems over the weekend and it wasn't fun.


Today- we're headed to the library for school in a few minutes. Same subjects etc. but a different location. We'll do afternoon school here since we have a tutor coming. I also need to sneak away to the vet to get Libby some more pain meds.


I want to know about your retreat too!

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The Women of Faith conference was . . . okay. But I think that's just me. I think I'm really disappointed that there was VERY little Bible reference/study. It's good to hear people's stories, sometimes, but you'd think at a Women of FAITH Conference (touted as being a Christian gathering) you'd hear more references from the Bible. That may be the biggest thing that made me say it was just "okay".


As for ballet, I took a class when I was 3, when I was in 7th grade, when I was in college (around 1989) and then started back up again in 2006, then again in 2009. With the exception of a few short breaks, I've been taking ballet ever since 2009. I'm currently taking a pre-pointe class and another ballet class. Ideally I'd like to take 3 classes/week. I have about 60lbs to lose before I can go en pointe. So, Jean, make an extra salad for lunch and I'll join you! ;P

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It's Monday. Somebody turn off the lights and close the door, I need some more sleep! Can there just be a day of the week that is not an actual, named day but a "catch up" day, so we can catch up on stuff or have an extra day to get prepared for things without other expectations, please? :tongue_smilie:I totally understand. I "lost" my weekend to a 36 hour migraine...so now I'm playing catch-up on household stuff, while also trying to do school and get ready for dd1's birthday.


What's for lunch today? I made homemade nachos for the kids (chicken, black beans, queso and tostitos). I had a few, but I'm still not feeling great (I generally get sick to my stomach when I get a migraine), so I didn't eat many.


What's on the schedule for today? Schoolwork, schoolwork, housework, schoolwork, housework...and then heading to my grandparent's house (about 15 minutes away) for dinner to celebrate dd's birthday.


Now it's your turn to ask me a question! You seem like you're always on the go...how do you manage to get school done?

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Good afternoon everyone!


I'm heading out to the library today. ALONE. DH has today off so I'm going to go run some errands.


I think the ballet for grownups is INCREDIBLE!!! And so is the weight loss goal. I've got 30 to lose so I'll take a salad too, Jean. :001_smile:


I used to be into Bikram yoga and went every other day there for a long time. I LOVED it. But now we live 40 miles from the center and I have a hard time mentally justifying it. I should try to make a good local yoga class my passion again though. You've inspired me, Scrap! :D


I threw caution to the wind last night too. I've decided to TTC again and according to my fertility monitor, we did! :tongue_smilie:


And Scrap, back when I was a Christian, I went to a Women of Faith conference and I was disappointed for the exact same reason you are. I was looking for some scholarly stuff I could sink my teeth into and would have to ruminate on and instead, it was a lot of "fluff" about women's personal faith journeys - some of which didn't even seem like "journeys" per se. There was more than one woman whose journey to Christ started out with, "Well, my Dad and my Grandfather were both pastors and I strayed a bit for a semester in college..." I wanted MEAT! The men's conference at our church had deep philosophical stuff. We had tea and pretty pink handouts. :glare:


Lunch here was banana and chocolate chip pancakes.

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Can there just be a day of the week that is not an actual, named day but a "catch up" day, so we can catch up on stuff or have an extra day to get prepared for things without other expectations, please? Oh, yes please!


What's for lunch today?Tuna sandwiches and apples for the kids, salad with chicken for me.


What's on the schedule for today? Woke up. Had a quiet time! Exercised! Woot! School - trying to play catch up from last week that kind of went south around noon on Thursday. :tongue_smilie: Taking dd to dance class later.


Now it's your turn to ask me a question! Will you please come over and wash my dishes? 'Cause I don't wanna! Wahhhhh.

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Melissa, I loathe doing my own dishes, why would I do yours, too?? :p


MamaAkins, surprisingly enough we do get it done, just never on the schedule that I so faithfully plan each week! ;) It just seems like I'm always on the go. Actually, it may actually be true because I was just conversing with God, meaning I think something in my mind and He usually responds, even though it wasn't a 'formal' prayer. :D Anyway, He's been nudging me for years to strive for a 'simpler' life. To me, that means cutting out A LOT of activity, but I'm not really quite sure how to do that! Onw rhinf I'm not willing to give up anymore is ballet. I get too much benefit out of it. I WILL make it work! :D


Jennifer, I think you and I could have some great conversations! :)


Now off to pick up lunch. Remember what I said about living in a big city and picking up food is way too convenient?:auto:

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What's for lunch today? We met dh for lunch at our favorite Tex-Mex restaurant. I had a taco salad.


What's on the schedule for today? We did about a 3/4 school day. Kiddos are still stick. I also had to go to the pharmacist and pick up a few things at the grocery. I've done 3 loads of laundry and actually folded and put it away, too!


Question for you: What is your favorite season and why?

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KRG, my favorite season is Autumn, in any other location than Phoenix, AZ! I love the brisk feel of the air, the leaves turning a multitude of colors, and high school football games! However, at the moment, I live in the desert (no brisk fall air or leaves turning color) and I have no one to go root for in a football game.

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Lunch today was a two-parter. We started with popcorn and M&Ms (at a movie theater) then finished up at a local Mexican truck for some veggie burritos.


Today was a school holiday. My brother was called in to work for an emergency because the on-call guy wasn't available, so he dropped off my toddler nephew around 11pm. This is a kid who -once woken- doesn't go back to sleep easily. Or ever, as it turns out. He finally conked out around 6am. He and I slept away most of the morning! I dropped him off around lunchtime, then took my kids to a movie and to lunch. I pulled in to the grocery store parking lot, but couldn't bring myself to go inside LOL so we ended up spending the rest of the afternoon (and dinner!) at my brother's just relaxing and hanging out.


A question for you ... hmm ... okay. Here's one: if two negatives make a positive, do two wrongs make a right? :D


That was rhetorical, how about a real one if it's not too late in the day to catch you: incandascent, or flourescent? How do you like your light bulbs?

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