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Most violent time in history?

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To start, I have not studied any part of history, and didn't get much in school.


Ds loves and adores guns, blood, or anything violent. What time in history can I introduce him to? I'm trying to move away from zombie movies, but use his love for something productive.


Other than violence in history, is there anything else I can introduce him to in a productive/learning way?

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To start, I have not studied any part of history, and didn't get much in school.


Ds loves and adores guns, blood, or anything violent. What time in history can I introduce him to? I'm trying to move away from zombie movies, but use his love for something productive.


Other than violence in history, is there anything else I can introduce him to in a productive/learning way?


There is plenty of violence in history... Start at the beginning? I don't think you will accomplish much actually history learning if you just skip around randomly from one bloodbath to another.

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Maybe you ould introduce him to a history of warfare inluding different types of weapons used at various times in history. I do understand where you are coming from with your son's interest.


Agree with this. You don't have to choose the brutal or disturbing periods such as the Holocaust. But some of the battles, heroes, arms and ammunition can be interesting to a child.


DK Eyewitness series has a number of titles on Arms & Armour, Soldier, Battle, Knight, Castle which I am planning to get for my ds10.

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The first thing I think off: read Les Miserables?

It's a great book with lots of details. You get to read something very good, so he learns more than just the facts about wars and fighting. You get "behind the scenes" of a war...

It's well written and you really sympathize with the characters. I totally cried with some parts and was scared at the fights. I felt for Eponine's mysery and fell in love with Enjolras and everything he stands for.

I can't wait to read it to my kids. The day we're getting there in history, it's the first book I will read to them about that subject!

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Thank you everyone! We're going to head to the library and get some weapons (maybe history of) books and a few military and war books.


I really just want to interest him. He spent years (sped preschool for 2 years, k, and 1st) in regular public school and has had a terrible time. I want to show him that learning can be interesting.

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When I wanted my ds to see that homeschool history could be more fun and interesting than ps, we did feudal Japan (loved Ninjas), Ghengis Khan, the Vikings, and more. He may not have gotten an orderly view of history, but he learned a lot about each of the societies we studied and loved it!

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While I'm more on the pacifist side of things, you could probably put together a study of history with the "Horrible History" series. I'd bet he'd like that. If he just generally likes gruesome things, we were recently reading "Poop Happened: A history of the world from the bottom up", which is a great book on history... focused on toilets. He might like that?

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Thanks again! I have all ideas written in my get from the library list.


Today we got a Civil War book labeled gross and bloody (he wants to READ the book with me!!!), a weapons book, crafts, audio book of HP, and The Mouse and the Motorcycle. Dd got a while bunch, too.


I also have TWTM coming in from another library. :)

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Violent for - ordinary people or the leaders? Early British History it seemed that Kings only last a about 5 years before they were killed, defeated and killed, or betrayed and killed. And they had weird names like something like Elderith and Urithric.


No matter what era you study, you can emphasize the war and weaponry or emphasize other things.

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I also second the Horrible Histories recommendation. My son loves them. In addition history of various explorers (Marco Polo, Sir Francis Drake, Kublai Khan) and pirates may also be of interest to your son.


I have also given up on the idea of progressing through history in an orderly chronological fashion. I just want to explore the areas of his interest for now and hopefully fill in the gaps later on.

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Ds loves and adores guns, blood, or anything violent. What time in history can I introduce him to?


Topics that are interesting and fun for most younger boys (and all contain some level of fighting etc):


Egypt - Pyramids, mummies

Ancient Greece and Rome

(the first history project my son started working on once I homeschooled him was the battle of Thermopylae - the 300 Spartans)

Middle Ages - Knights, Castles


England under the Tudors

French Revolution

American Revolution, settling of the West


Civil War (this year there are plenty of reenactments because of the anniversary)

20th century history was extremely violent and disturbing and I would stay away from that aspect until the student is older. There is no way to make WWI and II and the holocaust "fun".

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