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If you believe the bible is true...


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I believe the Bible is what it is because the Church gave it to us, and I trust the ancient Church.


As for do I believe it's true, can you clarify what you mean? Do I believe it's true as in that it's the written word of God? Or do you mean the Jonah was in the belly of a big fish and Christ rose from the dead kind of true?

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Basically I accept on the authority of the church. But, as far as my own reasoning goes, you have to figure the Gospels are either a nicely planned Conspiracy, or the Truth. (since they all say essentially the same thing with some differences)


Also, the Apostles aren't painted in a particularly favorable light in key moments. (garden of Gethsemane, during the Passion, after the Crucifixion, even arguing about who was "greatest!") So if they're making up a tall tale in order to be the heroes, well, I don't buy it.


It's a story that doesn't make much sense as fiction.

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I believe the Bible is what it is because the Church gave it to us, and I trust the ancient Church.


As for do I believe it's true, can you clarify what you mean? Do I believe it's true as in that it's the written word of God? Or do you mean the Jonah was in the belly of a big fish and Christ rose from the dead kind of true?

Taking a stab here, but I think she's asking how do you know it's TRUE scripture from God as opposed to, say, the Koran, or another faith's "Holy Book".


For me, the answer is the Holy Spirit. I prayed to God to know if I had found His Truth, and He answered. :)

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Proof. There are eyewitness accounts that collaborate. Prophecies were made by more than one prophet. Prophecies have come true. It was written over hundreds of years by 40ish writers and the writers agree with each other. Creation. God's work in my own life! The Bible applies to my life (i.e. is useful, accurate).



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Proof. There are eyewitness accounts that collaborate. Prophecies were made by more than one prophet. Prophecies have come true. It was written over hundreds of years by 40ish writers and the writers agree with each other. Creation. God's work in my own life! The Bible applies to my life (i.e. is useful, accurate).







Also, when you start to see the things that the Bible talks about happen in your daily life, doubt gets crowded out. Too many things have happened in to us personally for it to be coincidence.


Another thing (and this doesn't help if you aren't a believer, but believers will know what I mean)--Rhema word. When you read the Word and it becomes, as the book of Hebrews says, living and active, then you just have a deep knowing in your gut that the God of all creation is speaking right to you, through the Bible.

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I believe the Bible is what it is because the Church gave it to us, and I trust the ancient Church.


As for do I believe it's true, can you clarify what you mean? Do I believe it's true as in that it's the written word of God? Or do you mean the Jonah was in the belly of a big fish and Christ rose from the dead kind of true?


Thank you. I hate the way truth gets equated with literalism. I very much doubt most folks who don't take it literally would say they view the Bible as untrue, me included.


Anyhow, it's a matter of faith for me if the question is closer to how Xuzi defined it. I don't think my view of the Bible as truth excludes other truths though.

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