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Is Lost a family kinda show?

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However, ours were 7 and 10 when the first season aired, and we did not let them watch it. The "creep out" factor was just too high. I knew they wouldn't sleep if we let them watch.


My daughter is now 13 and has expressed an interest in watching the show from the beginning. So, we may Netflix it for her.


Edited to add: And, yes, there is definitely some sexual content. Nothing that would be a problem for my kids, but probably more than other families would be comfortable allowing.

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Too scary. Too sexy. But I'm conservative about what my kids watch. I think if you would feel comfortable letting your kids watch Law and Order, you would be okay with Lost. Both have blood, death, and sexual situations, both have a very adult feel. That's my .02. :)

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You need to know that for most of the first 4 or 5 episodes it deals with the crash site, there is a guy that gets sucked into the plane's engine, the crash site itself, bodies (though nothing too graphic as I believe the first season it was on a 7pm) ...it is mostly introducing the characters/island.


I would preview the first couple of episodes alone if you can. You can always fast forward or stop if you think too much.


We stopped watching when they kept pulling it & moving it around...I think that was season 3???


My youngest did not watch, but I think he was 5...

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No, I don't think of it as a family show. I don't think a 7yo would "get it" -- it's terribly complex and largely about adult relationships, often especially broken parent relationships. A number of the main characters have past criminal associations and that's all shown in flashbacks (murders, mob-beatings, cons, drug-use, robberies, much more), and there's plenty of violence and while the sex is primetime-acceptable, I wouldn't think it's something I want my young child to see (especially when I see no other reason *for* my child to watch the show).


I really enjoyed the first season. And for a teen, I probably wouldn't have a problem with much of it...


But I can't think of any reason for a 7yo to watch it.

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13yo watches with me (actually, 10pm is too late for her - but she watches online the next day). She started watching last season, and caught up with seasons 1&2 on DVD.


DD10 isn't interested yet, which is great - the violence and s*x is a bit much for her right now.

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Just my opinion, but I wouldn't allow my almost 8 year old to watch it. Too scary in parts, too sexy in parts.


:iagree: also pretty complicated! I think they would be frustrated. I would say maybe by 13 if you are comfortable talking them through the edgy/racey/scary parts. Also some deeply upsetting family issues where people really wrong one another and it is troubling even to me as an adult. I find myself thinking about it later.


THAT SAID...for adults it totally rocks!!

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I think it is definitely a judgment call...depends on how your kids deal with death, suspense, etc. The sexual stuff....it is pretty minimal...that kind of stuff just made me embarrassed as a kid...I remember shutting my eyes or blushing...Ha! I just think you should preview the episodes and decide based on how your kids have reacted with those themes in the past...whether in films or books. The show is addictive. You should enjoy it even if you decide not to include the kids

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