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How about some "day in the life" posts?

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This is a typical day when dh is out of town. The day is crazier when I have to juggle wifehood as well. LOL I have not been on the computer much lately. So much more gets done when I abstain from the pc. Here is a typical day with husband out of town.


7 a.m. – Get up, have some coffee, start laundry. Get 2 teens up & out the door for school. Thank you, God, for carpooling. Wake up the 2 adhd middle schoolers. Get them fed, give them their meds, hygiene, chores.


8:30 a.m. – Try to get some schoolwork done before classes.


9:15 – 3 days a week the kids go to classes. They love it. I love their teachers. They do usually have some homework.


9:30 – Go for an hour walk. I love this time.


10:35 – Come home, make sure there is a plan for dinner, get caught up on chores or paperwork. At some point 17ds stumbles out of bed. College hasn’t started and he is still in his night owl mode. Next week when he is getting up at 7 a.m. with us - it’s going to hit him hard.


11:30 – Go get middle schoolers. They chatter on about their classes and their friends. Come home, eat lunch.


12 – Start back up with school. It is so nice to only have to juggle time between 2 kids.


2 – Usually some kind of lesson 2x a week, either dance or music. If not, then I have to run an errand or have some kind of appt.


2:40 – Back to schoolwork and chores, 13 ds is pretty focused, but does get frustrated at math or writing sometimes. I have to push and pull 11dd through some work.


3:30- Go pick up teens from school. 3x a week one goes to a special academic club that I have to drive him to, drop off extra teens (my turn to carpool).


4:00 – Finish up schoolwork and check. Do any extra chores. Try to talk to anyone about their day who are willing. Check chores, do anything extra on to do list.


Evening – Help teens with any homework, make dinner, drive people all around town, try to grab a kid or two for a powwow, play a game or watch a video with them. Make sure people shower, do their laundry, make their lunches for the next day.


9:30 – Try to corral kids and teens towards going to bed.

10:15 – Kids/teens were supposed to be in bed by 10, but of course are running late. Oldest teen boys can set their own bedtime as long as when school starts they are not zombies.


10:30 – I run the dishwasher, laundry prep, finish picking up (ideally we’ve already tidied when the kids are up), make a to do list for the next day.


10:45 – Get ready for bed, watch a show in bed.


11:30 - Sleep

Edited by True Blue
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Loved reading both of these!


Lizzie in Ma, I just wanted to send you some support for your daughter! Lyme Disease is rotten. She can get well, though, and she will. Hang in there. (Oh, and isn't Cure Unkown great?)


Thanks so much, I appreciate that. It has been hell. The book is incredible.

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The only one I've ever done was in March of this year. I ought to do a new one because my schedule is completely different now that we've moved to a different city. Keeping the family fed and clean, much less well-educated, was nearly overwhelming at times this past winter and spring.


I'm enjoying all of the glimpses into people's lives, but, Amira, yours was absolutely fascinating to read! Thanks for sharing.

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