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Tea time and weird hours

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How do you fit in tea time when your dh works nights?


Dh is going to night shift soon and I don't know when we will fit in tea time. He'll leave before bedtime and get home after the kids are all up and doing school. Right now he's tired and not interested in tea time. I may not get any tea for a while. I'm a little worried.

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How do you fit in tea time when your dh works nights?


Dh is going to night shift soon and I don't know when we will fit in tea time. He'll leave before bedtime and get home after the kids are all up and doing school. Right now he's tired and not interested in tea time. I may not get any tea for a while. I'm a little worried.


My oldest hasn't put one and two together, but I can easily see him one day putting one and two together and saying, I like tea, it means i get to play computer games.

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I'd pop in a video or let the kids play Wii before bed, and have a cuppa before your dh leaves for work. Once he's used to the new work schedule I'm sure his interest in teatime will reappear. ETA: some new sexy undies might help with that, too.



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My oldest hasn't put one and two together, but I can easily see him one day putting one and two together and saying, I like tea, it means i get to play computer games.




Sometimes we let the kids have "movie time" so dh and I can have "quiet time". Just make sure you lock the door! This works better if your kids don't watch TV very often, otherwise they may come looking for you....and that's just not good for tea. :tongue_smilie:

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Sounds like before your hubby heads back to work in the evenings may be best. He will be well rested and the family should be settling down for the night. Maybe the kids could have a little quiet time in front of the tv, or with a book and game or something while mom and dad have a little quiet time of their own. We have managed all three shifts, different shifts, weekly travel and tons of other challanges. Where the is a will, the is a way.

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DH recently switched to a night shift as well.


The change is actually better for tea time.


He doesn't have to leave for work until 10:30 p.m. DS goes to bed at 8:30 p.m.


So, we usually serve tea around 9:00 or 9:30 p.m. and then DH showers, dresses and heads to work.


Tea time before work makes one more productive on the job.

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