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SOTW Activity Book?


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I would get it for your first time through. This is beneficial if you are following the classical method as outlined in WTM. Otherwise, you could choose instead to use Knowledge Maps and purchase coloring pages while following up with discussion for comprehension or narration.


One copy will suffice. You can make copies. If you do not want to make copies, purchase the guide and student pages in PDF format. You can have the pages printed at a copy/office supply store.

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I really enjoy the activity guides. I like the questions they have after each reading, the additional reading suggestions, and the maps. We only do a few of the actual crafts/activities because they are time intensive sometimes, but there is so much to choose from for every type of family/need. We do not utilize the coloring pages much either, but if your child loves to color they would be useful. Last year I did not use the AG for SOTW 1. I had the time and energy to come up with all my own supplementary maps/ideas. This year the AG has been invaluable for SOTW 2 since it is all laid out for me. With a toddler and a baby on the way I needed the simplicity!

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LOL! Thanks!


I've decided to get it. My youngest loves to color and he's a fidgeter. If his hands (or body) aren't moving, he can't pay attention. I plan to let him color the coloring pages while I'm reading him the story. My oldest can color if he choses or do some other relevant, quiet task if he feels he needs to fidget.

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No. You don't. (Just to be contrary.)


Actually, I think it depends. There's some good stuff in there, but I didn't want the review questions. I didn't need to be told how to do the narrations. I can print out free outline maps. We didn't want the coloring pages. I always just got whatever was at the library for supplemental books and I felt confident to pick things without the book lists. And, while a few of the craft ideas were okay, most of them were lame. So... I don't think it's a necessity. Of course, many people rely on it greatly and do need those things for find them really useful.

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Yes, you need the activity guide for the following:


1. Supplemental book recommendations. Susan included a multitude of book titles for each chapter to select from (with short descriptions) - both fiction/literature and nonfiction/guides.


2. Narration/Comprehension Q&A for each section


3. Map work - this is DS's favorite part. As others mentioned, I purchased SOTW activity guide and then the student pages in PDF so I can print easily.


4. Coloring pages/craft pages


5. Activity suggestions (these are crafts and other hands-on activities (such as cooking) to coordinate with the chapter).


Honestly, if someone told me I could choose only the Activity Guide OR the Story of the World text I would pick the activity guide :).

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