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Completely OT: If your daughter's ears are pierced . . .

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Last year, at the mall.


I know a lot of people choose to go to tattoo/piercing parlors (and I've read arguments for why this is safer than the "Claire's"-type route). Certainly among the people I know, doing it at the doctor's office is a rarity.

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When our daughters were four months old we took them to the local mall, Claire's to get their ears pierced. I talked to the pediatrician about doing it in the office but she told me that they do just as good a job and are just as safe as the doctors. Plus they didn't cost as much as an office visit. Just make sure that she follows the instructions about caring for them afterward and she shouldn't have any problems.

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DD #1 had it done by th town's esthetician at age 3 months that was the only place in the tiny town we lived in to get it done. DD #2 had it done at Claire's in a tiny strip mall close to home at age 3 months. The lady that did it on her has been peircing ears for almost 10 years and we extremely careful to do them well and make sure they were even etc.


at age 13 any mall would be fine. As a kid I had mine done at 12 years old, the lady who did it came to my grandma's house so I had them done in the basement, well the first set at least, the other few were done at Claire's in the mall.

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PEdiatrician did them....


DD jerked from him though and has one that is really low. UGH. I wanted to smack her! LOL! She has to live with it for right now.... or let it close and get it redone on her dime.


But it was her 10th birthday present - we were able to pull it off as a surprise because she was going for a check up! LOL!!

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When my younger dd decided to have her ears pierced (she was 5), I took her to the pediatrician, but the ped told me that they don't do it in the office anymore unless they're infants.


She recommended just going to the mall. She said it used to be done in the doctor's offices because there wasn't much in the way of health restrictions on the mall places in the past, but now they're required to use disposable needles and the like, so there's no greater health risk there.


Both of my girls had their ears done at the mall with no adverse effects. :)

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When I asked my ped about it she recommended the mall because it would be cheaper than the in-office price of $50.


But then one of my friends told me she'd taken her dd to an Indian ped. Because it is such a cultural norm, they're good at it, don't charge much, and best of all they use real gold for the studs. We did that, and were very happy with the results. I paid $25, and they had no problem with us just dropping in for piercing.

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We ended up going out to the mall tonight in search of a Piercing Pagoda. My daughter chose earrings and had the deed done in just a few minutes and with minimal trauma.


She's quite happy with the new "holes in her head" and her cute purple earrings, too, and is already happily anticipating the time when she can start raiding my stash of jewelry.

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