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Anyone here enjoy canning?

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I was recently given a huge bag of apples and had to quickly figure out what to do with all of them. I have never tried canning before, but I made:


6 pints of cinnamon apple sauce

5 pints of cherry apple sauce

7 pints of peach apple sauce

4 pints of apple butter


then just for fun I made 1 pint of cherry jelly and 4 pints of salsa.


I think a monster may have been created!!


Looking for more ideas...can the Hive help??:)

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You could make some dried apples :) And also some apple pie filling. I don't care for the kind in a can, but think this could be good homemade. Also, if you don't mind those red hot cinnamon candies, I thought that was the coolest applesauce.... ever!!! (when I was younger :)) Then make some latkes. Yum.... Latkes, sour cream, homemade applesauce!!! :)

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We like plain apple sauce here. The kids eat it by the 2 quart jar. I am looking forward to apple season soon. We only have two jars of apple sauce left.


We like making strawberry jam too. I have strawberries sitting in the freezer just waiting for me. I hope they will be jam over the weekend.

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love it, love it, love it (most of the time :D:tongue_smilie:) I can get really bogged down because I plant a lot and have some fruit trees. By the end of the season I don't want to see the canner, dehydrator or water bath, but I love looking at all my pretty jars on the shelves! I did well over 400 various sizes of jars of all sorts of things...


Here is a great place for recipes...the library is also great. I have only a few books for canning, one being the Ball canning book. The best I can tell you is to try a recipe in a small batch before you can it (salsa, spaghetti sauce, relishes, etc). Salsa especially can vary widely in taste and type. Over the years you'll find your favorites. Laminate them if you do! It will protect the recipe because stuff is always spilled when canning.

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I just canned 14 quarts of chili today, because I was blessed unexpectedly with a bushel of roma tomatoes. It sure turned out pretty!! Yes, I love canning, my parents did it when I was growing up. But I tell ya what, if there is a secret to canning applesauce, I'd sure like to know it!! Mine from last year got mold, and I water bathed and it all sealed. It turned out really nice, but did not keep. I'm not an amateur, either, I've done soups and venison, tomatoes, apple butter. But what's the deal with applesauce? I was meticulous with the directions.


I'm thinking i'm going to freeze it this year. I did freeze some superb apples that I got last fall, and they have made wonderful apple-rhubarb crisps this summer. :)

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I did an apple pear sauce that was devine...I'm not sure why yours spoiled though. It was spoiled in the jars before opening? Or not long after. Applesauce doesn't keep long once opened. It will form mold if not consumed quickly enough.


I just did 15 half pints of pear butter from our pears....I have some in the fridge right now and it's yum. I spice mine similar to doing apple butter so it tastes similar.


Tomorrow I'm putting up jalapeno salsa. I picked the last of the jalapeno's a couple of days ago. Many of them were going red and they should be good and hot...we've had such dry weather and they just grew and grew. I actually had one that was over 4" long! It's been the best crop I ever had.

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Yes! I enjoy canning, although I do SO much of it that I get overwhelmed at times, and so weary of the messy kitchen. But it is so satisfying to see the full shelves of canned goods for the winter. I usually do peaches, pears, pickles, applesauce, apple butter, various jams, salsa, tomato juice, pizza/spaghetti sauce, apple pie filling.


A sidenote: some of my applesauce did not keep last year either. :confused: It was waterbathed and sealed, but the sealed jars grew spots of mold. Some jars were ok. So weird--I never had that happen before.

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