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Anyone else still affected by Irene?

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We have power now, but the yard is a disaster area, and I haven't hardly seen my dh in the last three days. He is either working or sleeping because of storm aftermath.


But, I consider us to be very blessed, because no one died, no major damage, and we have power. I feel so very bad for the woman who lost her 11 yr old son. :crying:

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Well, my husband will be doing nothing but working for a long time. His company dries buildings.


I'm also waiting to hear that my son made it to Boston. His father took him to RI. On the water. Knowing about the storm. And ignoring the evacuation. It was a rough few days for me, emotionally. They have now been kicked out of their hotel b/c the generator won't last through the whole power outage. :glare:


At home, we're good. Lots of flooding in the general area, and many power outages, but we lucked out.

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We have no power at home so we're staying in a hotel. There's no estimates about when the power may be back. It will take me forever to get all the dishes, etc. done when we finally have water and power back.


We had no flooding but our neighbors houses were underwater, the town next to ours is completely flooded with water up the store windows, dh had a really hard time getting home from work due to road closures due to flooding and the main highway near us (that dh usually uses to get home) had a portion slide into the river and who knows when that will be fixed.


But, everyone is safe and healthy.

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Still no power, which means no water as we are on a well. So tonight we headed to my in-laws house about 30 mins away to wait it out. We have water damage to our house and a huge hole in the dining room ceiling. But we are safe!!


Trees are still down all over in the Richmond area. It's going to take time to recover, for sure.


Take care, all!!

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The water has reached my driveway. This is a first. My slop sink in the basement now has a few inches of water in it. Another thing that has never happened. The streets around me are officially closed. Fortunately, we have enough water and food for a few days.

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