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Fictional books based on historical events


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My older son really really wants to enjoy fiction novels, but he just can't seem to find any that interest him. He loves history and reads quite a bit of non fiction.


I would love to find him some fiction books based on historical events. He's read most of the Magic Treehouse books, but seems to have outgrown them and is getting bored with them. Same thing with A to Z mysteries.


Suggestions? Thanks!

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How about the Orphan Train Children series by Joan Lowery Nixon? My daughter enjoyed reading this series last year when she was 9 after reading about the Orphan Trains in social studies.


Each book in the series focuses on one particular sibling (who come from a poor Irish family living in the 19th century NY slums, who are sent west on the Orphan Trains to be adopted by farm families when their mother can't afford to take care of them anymore), and it tells what types of things happen to them along the way and in their new families.


Some get adopted by nice people, some not so nice, some into families who have certain political leanings (abolitionists etc). One is a girl who pretends to be a boy so she can stay with her youngest brother, and so on.

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Usborne books have novels that are based on true stories in history . . . but they may be too advanced for your son? I'm more familiar with the Canadian website, but this is what I found on the American one. Poke around . . . there are a lot of historical, true story based novels aimed specifically for boys. At least in Canada?




If he can read the "Orphan Train" series (which is FANTASTIC series!) he can read these novels, but the content might be too mature? Anyhow, see what you think.

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Gosh, there are several suggestions I would make of series geared towards girls, but they might not apply. Doll Hospital, Hittie, American Girl, etc. Aside from that...


- We recently read "A Place in the Sun" which takes place in Ancient Egypt. A good novel for a young reader.


My daughter has read a few books from a series called "Time Warp Trio" that she liked...I can't comment on historical accuracy, however.


Also, "The Roman Mysteries" which are quite popular, but may be a bit advanced for a kid who has just outgrown Magic Treehouse.

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There's a series of books called the Carole Marsh Mysteries (Real Kids, Real Places) that might work for you. Each one is set in a different place in America (i.e. Mystery in New York City; The mystery in chocolate town: Hershey Penn; the mystery at Disney World, etc.). When I volunteered in the school library last year, these were very popular for 2-4th graders. I haven't read any myself, but they look interesting. HTH.



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