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My daughter wants a heater for her feet...

Guest annieJ

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Guest annieJ

My daughter does her schoolwork out in the kitchen; we heat our home with a wood stove, which is out in the living room, so she tends to get a little (okay she says A LOT!) chilled. I'd like to find her a small little heater that she can put by her feet to stay warm -- the less energy it uses the better. Any recommendations you have? (quiet is good too!) :lol: I've been looking around online a bit and looking at these Room Heaters, but I fear they're too big? Am I wrong? :confused:

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IME, the two types on your linked page - the one that says "oil-filled" and the "oscillating" type are better than just a small one aimed at her feet. Those two are large; they probably would not fit under a table, but they radiate a good amount of heat. I have used both of them at my husband's office (at my MIL's house, heated by wood stove). They are far superior to a little unit that blows directly at your feet. The oil-filled type is also silent.


You also might invest in some super-soft fuzzy socks or slippers. :001_smile:

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how about real sheepskin slippers? absolutely NOT the acrylic fake stuff, but the real deal. they are VERY warm. (the scuffs are warm). I had to buy my son a pair because he kept running off with mine. (and since they were scuffs, his feet growing into a men's 11/12 didn't stop him.)

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Two suggestions . . . A portable electric ceramic heater that automatically shuts off when tipped over (search for safety ratings). Stick it under the desk or table and point at feet. We do this for our receptionists at work, and it works great for custom heat control without heating the entire hospital too much.


And, a brick or similar item that you heat on the stove, then wrap in flannel or other cotton toweling, then place on the floor for her feet to sit on. A brick will hold heat for hours. Mmmm, nice.

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I have a little space heater that I LOVE to point at my feet in the winter. It's just a little $20 from Wal-Mart. They don't usually last more than one winter though, somewhere near the end they just stop working. (I may overuse mine!) Dh and I can't agree on a thermostat setting, so this is our compromise. I LOVE my heater. If I was your daughter, I would be doing schoolwork all.day.long. just to sit in front of the heater! Definitely make sure you get one that will shut off if it's knocked over and make sure everyone knows to not get too close. (The ones I've had shut off if someone gets too close- it overheats) Hope she enjoys it!

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And, a brick or similar item that you heat on the stove, then wrap in flannel or other cotton toweling, then place on the floor for her feet to sit on. A brick will hold heat for hours. Mmmm, nice.




I like this suggestion. I was going to suggest an electric heating pad placed on the floor under her feet and some warm socks. ( I often slip a heating pad under a blanket with me in the winter.) It has an automatic shut off but is just enough heat to allow my body to adjust. But I much prefer this non-electric option.


I tried a small, electric, heater fan from WalMart last year to warm the area where I was sitting and was AMAZED at how much our electric bill shot up! Never again.

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I use a heating pad on my feet when I work at the computer in the winter. I hate cold feet.


There is a product sort of like a heating pad but made for dogs to lie on. I've seen in it the past in dog stuff catalogs...maybe you can find something online. It looks like it would be safer than a heating pad.

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how about slippers or a dog or cat. That is what we use;) Works well in our house and we heat only with coal.


I was going to suggest a puppy, but since I've already mentioned that as a birthday gift to another poster this week, didn't want to be outed as a puppy-pusher. Or a troll. :w00t:


Oh, and you might get one of those aloof non-foot warming uncuddly types that just drools everywhere. :tongue_smilie:

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