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O.K. ladies, so I had successfully weaned...

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...myself from these boards sometime last fall when life got way too hectic and I simply couldn't keep up. (Not being a Mom makes me incapable of juggling so many things!)


But then the earthquake happened. I Googled it. Nothing. Then I pulled up The Drudge Report. Still nothing. But I KNEW there was one place on the Internet where the earthquake would be an active topic for discussion...and I was right.


So here we are again: You guys are stuck with me and I am stuck with you. And MomsintheGarden is stuck with my manic-depressive ravings about what is going on on the Well-Trained Mind boards. :tongue_smilie: (She crushed me yesterday by informing me that I use too many smilies! :confused: How could she be so mean? :001_huh:)


Anyway, let's get this over with:


Hello, my name is Reg.


I am a well-trained-mind-message-boardaholic.


I thought I had recovered, but I started posting again this week.


My last post was, well, right now! :lol:

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This is what happens when you give up devil milk. You end up trading one addiction for another. (Just kidding! The book sounds very interesting.)


Were your gardens attacked by the stink bug this summer? Mine escaped unscathed. Japanese beetles, however...


And of course, we all look forward to a snow woveling report this winter. :D

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:grouphug: I'm sure you were terribly distraught :sad: over the comment about the smilies.:grouphug:


:chillpill: Relax, Moms in the Garden!


Ha Ha, Scrappy (love that name, btw)! Reg showed me this thread with a smirk on his face, so please do not believe he was crushed. The smilies are kind of cute, and it was a gentle comment. He loves sympathy, though, no matter how undeserved.


I wish I could chill right now. I have errands to run, tomatoes to can, lesson plans to do for our younger 5 dc, and a homeschool event to plan. Our oldest dd is off at college so I'm back to cooking. We start school next week and I'm not quite ready for it mentally.


And, not to mention, my husband is being hugged by a strange woman. :D


On the plus side, the weather is great, there's a hurricane coming so I get to watch Reg get all excited about that (he loves big storms), our garden has produced a lot this year (hardly any stinkbugs), and everyone is happy and healthy.


Also I really love my dh. :001_wub: See, Reg, I can use smilies, too! Did you know you can't post more than 8 smiles in a single message?



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Ha Ha, Scrappy (love that name, btw)! Reg showed me this thread with a smirk on his face, so please do not believe he was crushed.
See that?! She goes so far as to interpret MY feelings after inflicting this type of abuse! :glare:
He loves sympathy, though, no matter how undeserved.
Are you accusing me of being a sympathy troll?
I wish I could chill right now. I have errands to run, tomatoes to can, lesson plans to do for our younger 5 dc, and a homeschool event to plan. Our oldest dd is off at college so I'm back to cooking. We start school next week and I'm not quite ready for it mentally.
Thank, you, dear! You are doing a GREAT job managing our household and raising and schooling these children not to mention being a great wife...and you still have some sanity left over! :tongue_smilie:


(You'll be happy to know I decided against using this smilie -> :nopity: in this reply.)

And, not to mention, my husband is being hugged by a strange woman. :D
But I didn't hug her back, so that's O.K., right? Besides, I don't think she's THAT strange...
On the plus side, the weather is great, there's a hurricane coming so I get to watch Reg get all excited about that (he loves big storms), our garden has produced a lot this year (hardly any stinkbugs), and everyone is happy and healthy.
Hardly any stink bugs? Umm, you've been committing stinkbug genocide all year. I guess maybe NOW there are hardly any...
Also I really love my dh. :001_wub: See, Reg, I can use smilies, too!
Very good, dear! I'm so proud of you! ;) I love you, too.
Did you know you can't post more than 8 smiles in a single message?
Yep. I think I learned that the first day I was here. When did you learn it and why did it take you so long? Are you a smilie Grinch or something?
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Ha Ha, Scrappy (love that name, btw)! Reg showed me this thread with a smirk on his face, so please do not believe he was crushed. The smilies are kind of cute, and it was a gentle comment. He loves sympathy, though, no matter how undeserved.


I wish I could chill right now. I have errands to run, tomatoes to can, lesson plans to do for our younger 5 dc, and a homeschool event to plan. Our oldest dd is off at college so I'm back to cooking. We start school next week and I'm not quite ready for it mentally.


And, not to mention, my husband is being hugged by a strange woman. :D


On the plus side, the weather is great, there's a hurricane coming so I get to watch Reg get all excited about that (he loves big storms), our garden has produced a lot this year (hardly any stinkbugs), and everyone is happy and healthy.


Also I really love my dh. :001_wub: See, Reg, I can use smilies, too! Did you know you can't post more than 8 smiles in a single message?




:lol::lol::lol: I found this out the hard way! My original response had 14 smilies. It was difficult to whittle them down strategically!


You're a great sport! Good luck with your very busy life!

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See that?! She goes so far as to interpret MY feelings after inflicting this type of abuse! :glare:Are you accusing me of being a sympathy troll?

I'm not accusing you of being a troll, just a bit overdramatic.

Thank, you, dear! You are doing a GREAT job managing our household and raising and schooling these children not to mention being a great wife...and you still have some sanity left over! :tongue_smilie:


(You'll be happy to know I decided against using this smilie -> :nopity: in this reply.)

You, welcome! Wow, am I glad you didn't use that smilie. It would really have sent me over the edge.:svengo:

But I didn't hug her back, so that's O.K., right? Besides, I don't think she's THAT strange...
Of course she's not strange. She's a WTMer! Just the same, I am going to have to keep a close eye on you. You know what happens when you are bad!
Hardly any stink bugs? Umm, you've been committing stinkbug genocide all year. I guess maybe NOW there are hardly any...

There really haven't been very many stinkbugs this year. We've had tons of squash bugs, bean beetles, potato beetles, and blister beetles. And, no, I am not squeamish about squishing them!

Very good, dear! I'm so proud of you! ;) I love you, too.Yep. I think I learned that the first day I was here. When did you learn it and why did it take you so long? Are you a smilie Grinch or something?
I learned that today. I am just conservative with SWB's bandwidth. That's why I only post of important threads like this one.:glare:


Now it's time for haircuts, library, feed store, grocery store, etc...




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You know what happens when you are bad!
Umm. I guess I'm not sure...but I can guess! Is it LIFE?
There really haven't been very many stinkbugs this year. We've had tons of squash bugs, bean beetles, potato beetles, and blister beetles. And, no, I am not squeamish about squishing them!
You're right! I'm thinking blister beetles the entire time while typing stinkbugs. Stinkbugs seem to be a wintertime bug. I can't wait... :glare:


So what do you say, ladies? Is MomsintheGarden improving in her smiley usage or what? I think I can see a marked improvement just in what she has posted today! :thumbup: Can you? If so, please show her some encouragement to press on and waste bandwidth with abandon!

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...myself from these boards sometime last fall when life got way too hectic and I simply couldn't keep up. (Not being a Mom makes me incapable of juggling so many things!)


But then the earthquake happened. I Googled it. Nothing. Then I pulled up The Drudge Report. Still nothing. But I KNEW there was one place on the Internet where the earthquake would be an active topic for discussion...and I was right.


So here we are again: You guys are stuck with me and I am stuck with you. And MomsintheGarden is stuck with my manic-depressive ravings about what is going on on the Well-Trained Mind boards. :tongue_smilie: (She crushed me yesterday by informing me that I use too many smilies! :confused: How could she be so mean? :001_huh:)


Anyway, let's get this over with:


Hello, my name is Reg.


I am a well-trained-mind-message-boardaholic.


I thought I had recovered, but I started posting again this week.


My last post was, well, right now! :lol:


YAY!!!! Now, no more leaving! :D :party:

Too many smilies?- humph

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