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The noise is driving me nuts!

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Does anyone else have kids who just hum, or sing, or randomly whistle, somewhat under their breath but not quite, while they're listening to a story, or doing their schoolwork, or even while they're supposed to be doing a household task? Random, unnecessary noise. My older two both do this, and it's driving me nuts. It's like a low-level dull hum all the time. I'm trying to explain something to one of them, and the other is making the noise (which is irritating to me, and it's often distracting to the other one). It wouldn't bother me so much when they're doing their household tasks, except they get distracted from those tasks. Or they don't hear when I tell them to do something. Not to mention that maybe I have some SID or something, and the constant noise really, really bugs me. I realize it's not going to be quiet with four children in the house, and I don't expect that. I don't mind their conversations, or play-acting, or even talking to themselves while doing work (right now, DD is doing a grammar worksheet, and I can hear her talking the answers out to herself -- that doesn't bug me); it's the random noises for no apparent reason that are the problem.


Any suggestions on what I can do about this, other than keep telling them to be quiet?

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Right now I have one that is constantly making humming, whistling, clicking, etc noises. When she is not doing that she is talking, like the rest of them (read: constantly). I'm definitely "sensory sensitive" - by the end of the day my body feels like it is literally vibrating from the overstimulation.

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Right now I have one that is constantly making humming, whistling, clicking, etc noises. When she is not doing that she is talking, like the rest of them (read: constantly). I'm definitely "sensory sensitive" - by the end of the day my body feels like it is literally vibrating from the overstimulation.


Yes! Overstimulation for sure. It's hard enough that I'm very introverted -- I love my children and like being with them, but being "on" all the time is hard for me. The constant noise puts me over the edge. :)

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Buy a good quality set of ear plugs!:D



LOL, I use those for sleeping, or little noises keep me awake. It's tempting for daytime, but I don't think that would work, because then I couldn't hear the other children. I really need a way to get the children not to make the random noises. :)

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I have one usually, but sometimes more than one. It doesn't surprise me because I'm one too.





ETA: In our case, it's a song, not just a monotone noise. And it doesn't side track us or prevent us from hearing someone.

Edited by ChrisB
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Any suggestions on what I can do about this, other than keep telling them to be quiet?


My dd hums/sings all. the. time. It really bothers me when she's doing it while I'm trying to talk to her.


If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Seriously. Try singing/humming yourself and see what happens.

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My daughter cannot be quiet. She hums constantly and cannot stop. I ask her to stop and she cries, saying she cannot. I feel bad for her but it is very tiring. We'll work on it at some point with her psychologist, but we're working on bug exposure therapy right now. One thing at a time.


Sorry I don't have any advice for you, but know that you're not alone.

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My son hums all. the. time. but he is also ASD/SPD and it is a typical behavior. One reason is the white noise factor, it blocks out other sounds. Playing music he likes (star wars) will quiet him for awhile. Also chewing gum if it is the oral stimulation he is looking for.

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Buy a good quality set of ear plugs!:D


cheap ones work great. I put them in the other day when mil was here. she. talks. incessently., it. would. kill. her. to. not. talk. (and tell people waht to do . . ., and ask inappropriate questions . . . .) I coudn't hear her, it was wonderful. dh did ask me to please wear my hair down so no one would know I was wearing earplugs. ;)

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