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Who uses and likes the Fly Lady system? I really really really want it to work. I really DO want to be able to bless my husband with a clean out when we gets home from work.... why am I finding the website to bogged down and confusing? There's the Big Tent, hot spots, baby steps...? Can anyone explain the process to go though simply? I think I'm making this harder than it needs to be. I just want to open up my phone/computer/email and see what I'm supposed to do for the day. If there's a different approach I'm all ears! :bigear:

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Start with Baby Steps. And just start there. Marla herself (FlyLady) will tell you to start with shining your sink. Then pick ONE spot that's a hot spot (usually a flat surface that continually gets cluttered). Set a timer for TWO MINUTES ONLY and clear it off for those two minutes. Once your timer goes off, STOP. The point is small steps, not to overwhelm yourself by not stopping when the timer goes off.


It DOES work. No, I don't always follow it and I am far from having a pristine house. But it encourages me to know that I can do something. Even imperfect housecleaning/decluttering blesses our families.


(Those that are Born Organized won't "get it" or you (why you can't seem to keep the house straight). And you'll just have to accept that.)


Be encouraged! I hear ya loud and clear!

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Stacie, if you know anything of her story, you know that she is not "born organized". Just because one figures out, eventually, how to take care of one's house, doesn't mean it applies to websites, too! Those are a whole 'nother animal! :)



I am naturally a MESS myself, so I can relate I just think that after many years of the disastrous website, she should invest in a web designer or at least put out a call for one to help. It's distressing for people who come to her for help and end up more befuddled!

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Let me preface this with a warning that I'm probably what some people would refer to as "born organized". I used Flylady for awhile and it seemed too fiddly for me. I use a modified version of Just Mommies Home Organization and I really like it. I print the calendar with special focus area for the month and put it on my fridge. Each day I cross off what I've done and at the end of the month I feel like a sucess for getting everything done. It's very easy.


I do modified it though. She has you cleaning your oven every month and I don't need that. I clean my oven every third month and on the clean the oven day I usually take that to mean "clean half the fridge".


I've tried to use her website but I find it strangely ironic that the queen of cleaning has an incredibly cluttered and disorganized website.


I agree. It's such a hard to follow website. I wonder if she has given up on Flylady because it seems like otherwise she would have gotten a designer and made it look more professional and less 1997 website era looking.

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Thanks for the sneak peak tip and for the Just Mommies link. Today I cleaned my bathroom and laundry room. At least I got something done! And I'm also glad I'm not the only one that finds her site hard to look at?! Hopefully one of the two systems here will work out for me. Also, if anyone has read any good books on cleaning mention them....I love to read and am always looking for better ways to do it! Unfortunately I was never actually taught HOW to clean. Isn't that crazy! Now that I'm married with a house full of kids..... I wish I new better what I was doing!

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I thought Fly Lady was awesome years and years ago when she first started. She really helped me learn how to keep house. But now there is too much email clutter about self love, and exercise, and all sorts of things I don't need help with. I was just a lousy housekeeper.


Now I use the card file system from the Sidetracked Home Executives book. It works better for me now.

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I signed up for the emails for a while, twice. I eventually got overwhelmed. She advocates slow cleaning a few minutes a day until your house is in shape. After that, you start adding the weekly missions. The emails got to be too much, I just look on facebook now. But I don't really follow all of her plans, I use bits and pieces; then I watch Hoarders and clean my house and get rid of stuff!:lol:

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Thanks for the sneak peak tip and for the Just Mommies link. Today I cleaned my bathroom and laundry room. At least I got something done! And I'm also glad I'm not the only one that finds her site hard to look at?! Hopefully one of the two systems here will work out for me. Also, if anyone has read any good books on cleaning mention them....I love to read and am always looking for better ways to do it! Unfortunately I was never actually taught HOW to clean. Isn't that crazy! Now that I'm married with a house full of kids..... I wish I new better what I was doing!


"Speed Cleaning" by Jeff Campbell and "Is There Life After Housework" by Don Aslett deal with cleaning methods, improving efficiency and so forth. One caveat, though: they both market cleaning utensils (well, and so does Flylady), so take their product recommendations with a grain of salt.

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