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s/o...BEAUTIFUL homeschool rooms?

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I loved the beautiful homeschool classrooms on the previous thread so...


If you have one or know of a website that has a beautiful, drool-worthy, make-me-jealous homeschool classroom, I want to see it.


I have never been lucky enough to have such a space but a girl can dream right? :D. Whether or not I have one I still like looking at them so SHARE!!!

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I like to *look* at these perfect rooms, but I would never want to have one...oh, the guilt when we left it messy!! Our homeschool IS messy and all over the place, just like us. I no longer dream of a dream homeschool room because we are not easily or prettily contained. I'd feel like the bum that I am to leave a picture perfect room in a shambles. LOL But bring on the pictures! :lurk5:

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And I especially like that little pencil drawing on the right side of the page of the couple having sex. :) Seriously. I do. It's pretty good. :) Others might might a warning. Here you go.



That didn't come up on mine, except when some show jewelry.:001_huh:

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I loved the beautiful homeschool classrooms on the previous thread so...


If you have one or know of a website that has a beautiful, drool-worthy, make-me-jealous homeschool classroom, I want to see it.


I have never been lucky enough to have such a space but a girl can dream right? :D. Whether or not I have one I still like looking at them so SHARE!!!


Well, if it makes you feel any better, I am in the midst of disassembling my hs room because we are downsizing for a multitude of reasons. I am trying to figure out how to part with all of this stuff I think I will "need" and become somewhat of a minimalist. We are going from over 3K square feet to around 1400.

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When we moved into our house, which is really the parsonage to the church where Bill is pastoring, it was a major downsize (3600 sq ft to ~ 2400 sq ft). BUT, there is a formal living room. After being here a couple of weeks, I decided that we don't need a formal living room; we need a school room. So, we are in the midst of mounting a timeline, getting maps on the wall, etc. I don't have pictures, but so far, I'm very pleased. The kids won't do all their work in here, but it will be where I do my teaching.

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