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Too much for 3rd grade?


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This is what we are using-


Math U See (1 page a day)

30 minutes of reading time (I assign reading relevant to history)

AAS (daily)

FLL3 (daily)

SOTW3 (M and W with activity day on Friday)

Real Science Odyssey (T and Th)

Copywork for Girls (daily)

The Easy French (daily, but only about 10 minutes)

Maps, Charts, Graphs (once a week)

30 minutes of piano practice daily

30 minutes of "fun" reading (her choice, daily)


On Monday, we'll start Drawn Into the Heart of Reading and I've never used it before so I have no idea how much work we're getting into.


My concern is that she needs a writing curriculum and also that her narration skills are absolutely terrible. I say that with love, by the way, lol. It's just how she is.


However, I've heard that WWE is kind of redundant if you are using FLL.



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This is what we are using-


Math U See (1 page a day)

30 minutes of reading time (I assign reading relevant to history)

AAS (daily)

FLL3 (daily)

SOTW3 (M and W with activity day on Friday)

Real Science Odyssey (T and Th)

Copywork for Girls (daily)

The Easy French (daily, but only about 10 minutes)

Maps, Charts, Graphs (once a week)

30 minutes of piano practice daily

30 minutes of "fun" reading (her choice, daily)


On Monday, we'll start Drawn Into the Heart of Reading and I've never used it before so I have no idea how much work we're getting into.


My concern is that she needs a writing curriculum and also that her narration skills are absolutely terrible. I say that with love, by the way, lol. It's just how she is.


However, I've heard that WWE is kind of redundant if you are using FLL.





I have heard that, but I've used both at the same time and I don't agree. There might be a couple of copywork exercises in FLL that you could skip, but I never did.


That said, Becca is suddenly a super busy third grader, so I look forward to feedback for you! It looks a lot like her workload.


ETA: What is "Copywork for Girls"? I have never heard of that!

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For writing in third grade, I am doing WWE two days per week (1 or 2 lessons per day), and IEW three days per week. My child also needs work on narration and writing which is why I chose those. Perhaps you could replace the copywork with something like that. You wouldn't have to do IEW if you another program better.

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If you find that it's too heavy a work load, I would suggest doing AAS 4 times a week, FLL 3 times a week, and 2 days (instead of 3) for history. We're using WWE2 (4 times a week) and FLL3 (3 times a week) and don't find them redundant, though I have been known to skip some of FLL if we've already covered it. HTH.


This is our exact schedule, except we only do AAS 3 days a week.

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WWE and FLL are not the same at all. FLL is grammar based. WWE is writing based. Very different. FLL may have a handful, or less, of narration but you can skip them. A handful or less, compared to the 36 weeks of lessons. Add it.




We've done 2 weeks of FLL3 so far, and haven't hit a narration yet. We've had optional dictation, which I skipped because we're doing WWE2. That's why they're listed as "optional". The two programs aren't redundant at all though. FLL is working on grammar. WWE has a little grammar mentioned, but it's focusing more on narration (twice a week) and copywork/dictation (depending on which level you use).


Your load looks fine to me, though I'd suggest doing FLL3 just 3 times a week, as that's how it's meant to be scheduled (the schedule is in the back with 3 different options). If you do it everyday, you'll run out of material in January. :D


For WWE, have her take the placement test for WWE1. If she can do that one, get WWE2. WWE1 narrations just ask "What is one thing you remember about this passage?" WWE2 narrations ask the child for 2 sentences (or 3 brief sentences) telling what happened in the passage, after you've given some specific questions that really summarize the passage. So if she's having trouble with answering comprehension questions in general, I'd go with level 1. If she can do the questions and can tell one thing (anything) she remembers from the passage, go on to level 2.

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I can see where you could be concerned with overscheduling. However, in regards to FLL/WWE, they were created with the intent that they would/could be used together. I would add in WWE (the sooner the better IMO) even if it means cutting back on something else--like the spelling as others have mentioned.

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In the old FLL book that has grade 1 & 2 in the same book includes some copywork and narration. A few of the lessons may be redundant. However, if you have the old FLL you could just skip those lessons, they are far and in between. And if you have the new books that are separate, then the copywork and I believe narration have been eliminated from the books to avoid this issue. I have the old book and use it with WWE 1, and I just skip the lessons of copywork in FLL 1.

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