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My 12 yo dd goes for her endoscopy this morning, prayers for her?

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She is petrified. Not of being put to sleep or anything like that. It is the thought of a "tube" going down her throat. She(believe it or not) would rather "have a tube up my butt then down my throat".


She is so afraid of waking up and vomiting.(I do believe this might be part of her throat issues to begin with, the fear of vomiting).


The GI said she is testing her for(biopsing): Celiac, H. Pylori, Gastritis, Acid Reflux, and food allergies.


I didn't know you could test food allergies by a biopsy of the stomach??


She cried all last night begging us not to take her. My heart is breaking. I know I am doing the right thing, but when it is your child, doing the right thing sometimes sucks. Big time.


Will post back later if I can. Sorry if I keep harping on this. It is scary for momma.

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I'm so sorry. I actually tried to post earlier, but I ended up in the bathroom first.


I had an endo done two weeks ago and was diagnosed with celiac.


It is not fun being sick all night. I hope your dd doesn't have to deal with that.


For what it's worth, I'm a really "pukey" person. I get nauseous and vomit very easily. When I woke up from the endo, I was completely fine. Not a bit of nausea.

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I"m sorry and will pray for her. Personally, I'd have a colonoscopy any day vs what she's having....I have the same fear. Did you ask your doc for some xanax for her? A small dose sure would help. Any chance the doc could call in an rx for you so she could take it prior to the procedure?

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