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Where To Start With My Kindy?

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Well I've been pouring myself over the forum for the past week. I would love to start afterschooling my dd. She is very motivated, loves workbooks, and is a little sponge. I have not gotten very far on the forum because all you guys abbreviate the curriculum you use. I do some basic math additions, starfall, and she keeps a daily journal where she writes her name, day of the week, and a sentence about the day. She does very well with sounds and has good letters, but I still let her do inventive spelling. She is only reading basic BOB books and other early readers.


My question is how can i help her grow more in her writing, and math. How can I help her read better and more advanced books.


What are some good cur. to use with her.

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Hello! My DD5 is starting PS kindergarten in a week. We have been ~ afterschooling the last year while she also attended preschool 3 mornings a week. She calls it her "activities" and the workbooks are "activity books". We used Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading. She did not like the actual reading in that book, but I followed the lesson structure. For reading fluency, we did the Bob Books. When she finished the last set, we moved on to Frog & Toad.


After using some Pre-K workbooks that had matching, patterning, color the R things red activities, we started math with Singapore Essentials. A was similar to the earlier workbooks. B has been actual addition and subtraction. I was also curious about RightStart so I ordered the game package and we liked that. So I ordered Righstart A as well. We still follow Singapore's order, but work in the RS games and use the abacus for addition/subtraction.


Last April, she started writing. All the time. She was trying to spell things phonetically. She was around Lesson 190 in OPGTR. So I bought All About Spelling (AAS) 1.


After a month long break while my parents visit and public school starts, we will resume with AAS3, Rightstart B & Singapore 1A and begin First Language Lessons (FLL) and Writing With Ease (WWE). At least, that's my hope :).

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Welcome to Hive! I have some ideas for what you might want to do in terms of Afterschooling here. I don't know if you have read The Well Trained Mind yet, but that has a lot of good information in it, even if you don't homeschool. It is like a gigantic road map of what to do.

The journal writing you are going with sounds great, and I think you are right to allow inventive spelling at this age. A way to make Bob Books even more meaningful is to make a little game that goes with each book.

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Hit the begining reader section of the library. Ours has a great set of books that are easy, with great pics and covers great educational topics. We read those. What worked best to increase ds abilities (decoding, comprehension, speed) was reading every other word. I read one, he read the next, and so on. I would then ask questions about the book. He loved it! It was like a game to him.

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I personally love The Ordinary Parents' Guide to Teaching Reading by Jessie Wise. My daughter finished it in the spring shortly before turning 6 and is reading like you wouldn't believe now.


I blogged all about what we did for our kindergarten year. Here's a link to my blog and here's a link to our K read aloud list. Hope that's helpful. :001_smile:




add the Singapore Math with it (for K use Essentials) and you are set!

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  • 2 weeks later...

thank you everyone. I am just freaking out.

What is a good spelling program for her. She can spell 3-4 letter words really quickly. And long words that are easy to sound out like asking, outside, grandma. But I'd love to find a better way to teach her long vowels, and silent letters like in "like" and blends.

She does lots of tangrams and iphone math apps. But I guess doing singapore would be great since her school will be doing Terc or Everyday Math, both of which I've heard are not good programs.

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