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So Do I Have A Husky Or A Wolf?

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I'm pretty sure he isn't a malamute because he's too small. He's on the thinnish side, but he's definitely full grown. He might even be old, but it's hard to tell. Oh yeah, and he was chasing my chickens when I caught him.


So what do you folks think? I'm certain it's not a timber wolf or anything else fullblooded, but it's far more aloof than any husky I've seen. He has that lanky ranginess that wolf crosses can have. No matter what he is, we aren't keeping him. I don't have the energy to keep a high-prey animal away from our poultry or cats, and I'd never trust him with the children. Plus two medium/large dogs is enough for me.






Sorry the quality is so awful on the photos. It's tough to take a picture of a strange dog from your cell phone!

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He looks husky to me. Just not particularly up to breed standard. Many "pet quality" huskies aren't. Ours is too tall and somewhat over-sized in general. People ask if she's Malamute all the time.


He has likely run off from someone. They are big runners & can't really be trusted off-leash. Ever. (That's my solution for keeping ours away from the chickens, and out of the road.)

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It looks like a husky to me. If you want to keep him and have your chickens and cats I have a solution. PM me if interested. We broke our husky of going after chickens.


I would be very curious to hear about this. Not sure how much I'd trust him even then though.


I've heard an (owner related) story once on a husky yahoo group about a husky and a house cat who lived together for over five years before the owner came home and found pieces of the cat all over her house. :sad:

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I would be very curious to hear about this. Not sure how much I'd trust him even then though.


I've heard an (owner related) story once on a husky yahoo group about a husky and a house cat who lived together for over five years before the owner came home and found pieces of the cat all over her house. :sad:


I sent you a pm.

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He seems to be making himself quite comfortable where I've hooked him up to our dog line away from the birds. My own dogs aren't happy about not being able to run around outside. I'm hitting dead ends for finding his owner, but he did originally come from the local Humane Society. It sounds like they'll take him back if nothing else works out. I'm really not leaning toward keeping him, but my husband keeps mentioning how much he likes huskies. I'm not fond of how different their signals are from regular dogs. I also have more than a full plate of animal responsibilities as it is.

I'm home by myself with the kids for the rest of the day, but we are doing signs tomorrow. I've left my name and number with every local shelter. I've posted on craigslist and freecycle. We'll see what happens.

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It's a Siberian Husky, we had them for years. I miss those dogs, but wow, they can be high maintenance.


It's possible he has run off from the owners. They like to run and keeping the dog on a lead is a necessity. We have a lab now, she likes to run, but will obey. Our huskies just liked to run period. I can't count the number of times we had to take off after them.


Over the years the breed has become more popular and I've seen more aggressive huskies. They can be territorial and snappy. This is not the norm for this breed. They can also be the most loveable, loyal dogs ever.


They talk, they don't bark, and they do howl.


I would consider finding a Husky rescue group in your area. They might be able to place him.

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A husky followed my dd and dh home once and decided that our front porch was his new home. I carried him to the vet to be checked for a chip and he had one and they called his owner to come retrieve him. It is a little hard to tell but I think his build may have been a little heavier than the dog pictured.

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They talk, they don't bark, and they do howl.



I wish my husky would howl. I've only heard her do it once or twice when she was young (under a year) and got really excited. It is spooky and cool sounding. Like a wolf.


She does do this neat woo wooo growly sound that is pretty cute though (and all of the huskies "howling" on youtube seem to be doing a variation of this. It's not what I would call howling though.). :001_smile:


OP, what has become of this doggy? Did you find his owner or a rescue yet?

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I tracked down his owner yesterday afternoon. He hadn't been looking too hard for him. :glare: Apparently he "usually comes back after a while." If he hadn't been so determined to catch my poultry or the deer our neighbors raise, I would have let him find his way home. He had no interest in going anywhere else once he discovered all of the fun things to chase here. He was also quite the escape artist while he was here. I'm glad he's back home. I hope he stays there from now on!

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DH votes for Alaskan Malamute and says it looks exactly like the dog he had growing up. They are less broad shouldered than Husky's, he says.


He says they are very friendly and great with kids as long as they've learned not to jump up on their shoulders. But... they maul cats.


Both Malamutes and Husky's are sled dogs. DH says a good team is lead by two Huskys, because they love to run and they'll set the pace, and then the rest are Malamutes because they are bigger and stronger.

Edited by Maus
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Well my dog was exactly like that one. I called him a miniature malamute. My vet thought he was a husky/malamute/shephard mix... but with some terrier thrown in at some point, which accounted for the size. FWIW, he would get out ALL THE TIME and I could never catch him. He would come in when he was ready. It was always nerve-wracking, to say the least.


He never attacked any other animals or people, and raised a bunch of kittens. He was the best dog I ever had.


When you see him again, as you know he has an owner and where they live, I wouldn't worry too much about it. I think my whole neighborhood knew there was no point in doing anything when my dog had escaped...he would just trot around and eventually go home. And I always knew he was gone.

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If he hadn't been so determined to catch my poultry or the deer our neighbors raise, I would have let him find his way home. He had no interest in going anywhere else once he discovered all of the fun things to chase here.



When you see him again, as you know he has an owner and where they live, I wouldn't worry too much about it. I think my whole neighborhood knew there was no point in doing anything when my dog had escaped...he would just trot around and eventually go home. And I always knew he was gone.



Unfortunately, this particular dog seems to enjoy going after animals. Any dog wandering through on his way home would be ignored, but it's hard to ignore a dog intent on killing my chickens, ducks, turkeys, or rabbits. I'd also hate to see anything happen to the animals next door too.


If he comes by here again, I'm going to catch him again and return him to his owner. If he kills any of my animals, even the replacement value of my animals could run pretty high. I wouldn't hurt the dog, but I have no doubt that if some of the other people around here with livestock catch him going after anything, he will get shot. It'd be a pity because it isn't the dog's fault, but it wouldn't be any kinder to let him slaughter other animals.

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