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Leave Things Alone!

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She absolutely did - the only time the "abortion doctor" was able to do it was when Penny was scheduled to perform at the other place. They needed someone to stand in for her so she could have the abortion. Why one of the other female dancers couldn't do it, I do not know. Because then we wouldn't have a movie, I guess.

I honestly forgot the intricate plot details of the movie, as I haven't seen it in at least 15 years, so I defer to your recollection.


I definitely think the abortion subplot (and the skanky old ladies) made the movie NOT a breezy, fun teen dance movie (along the lines of "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" -- remember that one? With Helen Hunt and Sarah Jessica Parker? -- where the drama is keeping the secret that she's dancing from the military father, not matters of life and death).


This is one of those movies that I think, because it is about a teenager, is assumed to be for teenagers, even very young ones, which may not be the case! But certainly there is an amnesiac variety of nostalgia that this movie may be trying to address, that may not make for easy viewing, despite the fun dance numbers.

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She wasn't the only one. ;)


When my son heard about the remake he had to rub it in, knowing how much I detest most remakes, that Jason Momoa was in it. Sigh...decisions, decisions...


(Commas...I never quite know what to do with them...)


My dd was pretty annoyed when she wasn't allowed to watch Game of Thrones (tons of nudity, TeA and ultra violence)


I am curious as to whether or not she will be able to watch Conan. She has been frustrated lately about there being so many programs we can't let her watch. :/

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I think everything up to the abortion could have been kept in. Penny gets pregnant, decides to abort and needs Baby to take her place.


When Penny gets to the abortionist, she changes her mind and goes back to the resort. However, at this point, she is so distraught and panicked, she starts drinking until she passes out.


Baby still goes to get her dad to help. Dr. Houseman still assumes Johnny is the father of Penny's baby and feels betrayed by Baby because she didn't tell him the truth about the money.


Same essential story. No abortion.

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My mom drove my friend and I to the theatre and dropped us off to see it.


She then watched it with us on VCR and kept rewinding and pausing the part where he gets out of bed!!! :001_huh:


And I was 14 too!


Sounds like my mother! She took me to see Dirty Dancing, and she could not wait for me to watch Pretty Woman with her. I was about16.


Of course, she also thought it was horrible that I my (then 9yo) daughter had not been able to watch Grease.

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I think everything up to the abortion could have been kept in. Penny gets pregnant, decides to abort and needs Baby to take her place.


When Penny gets to the abortionist, she changes her mind and goes back to the resort. However, at this point, she is so distraught and panicked, she starts drinking until she passes out.


Baby still goes to get her dad to help. Dr. Houseman still assumes Johnny is the father of Penny's baby and feels betrayed by Baby because she didn't tell him the truth about the money.


Same essential story. No abortion.


I like your script. But then there would have been no propoganda about abortion either. Well, I guess Penny could have changed her mind because of the rotten conditions.

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Don't forget that Baby borrowed the money to PAY for it from her father and told him it wasn't for anything illegal.



I think she was saying that Baby would still do that, but Penny would back out and I guess give the money back. So the father would still be upset that Baby lied to him.

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I have noticed this as well. I do not listen to any type of mainstream music anymore, buy when I am in the mall I will hear it in the stores. I always think, "Hmmmm, I guess songwriters have ran out of combinations to arrange notes into new music." The songs are always remakes of stuff I listened to as a teen.


As for Dirty Dancing, I will probably not watch the remake. And, I am shocked that my mother let me watch it along with Grease and many other movies and tv shows. Oh, and we watched Dirty Dancing in our dance class at ps. What were our parents/teachers thinking?????

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