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LCC 2nd edition has arrived! Thanks, PlaidDad!

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I gleaned plenty of ideas and inspiration from LCC (I). Are there substantially more ideas & inspiration in II? Thank you.



The book is much expanded with rewritten chapters and much new material. There's a summary of what's new here. If you scroll to the bottom of the page you can download a PDF with more details. :)

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The book is much expanded with rewritten chapters and much new material. There's a summary of what's new here. If you scroll to the bottom of the page you can download a PDF with more details. :)


Thanks for that link! I have been debating the purchase for a few reasons, and the PDF about the new edition helped me decide. I will purchase Tuesday! (so now y'all can't feel so bad, as you will all have it memorized before I even get mine!)

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Yes! Mine came today too! I've already been able to spend some time going through it, especially focusing on the sections that pertain to the decisions I'm still making with curricula. The first LCC was good, but this one really is better. :D


Thanks Plaid Dad!

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The book is much expanded with rewritten chapters and much new material. There's a summary of what's new here. If you scroll to the bottom of the page you can download a PDF with more details. :)


Thank you for the quick reply! (And from the author even!) Btw, Belloc is one of our favorites.



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Having read the PDF on What's New, I think this will be one of my next purchases. I've never met a book list I didn't like...and I am curious about your curricula updates and recommendations. Good stuff - thanks.



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That is so not fair! I've been checking my mailbox for the past two days for mine! Oh well, will have to wait until Tuesday I guess!


Good thing we have a Revolutionary War re-enactment going on this weekend. At least it isn't a boring weekend where I have lots of time on my hands (does that ever happen??) or I would be REALLY jealous! :)




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Woosh, mine came today! I don't have time to read it, though.


But, on the bright side, I no longer have a spiteful urge to give negative rep to everyone on this thread who said they already had their copy.




That's funny.


You all are making me want to get a copy and I'm not even using LCC (and I have the 1st edition on my shelf - which I enjoyed reading a year or two ago!).


I'm such a curriculum junkie! I love thinking through it and LCC has some great points!

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But, on the bright side, I no longer have a spiteful urge to give negative rep to everyone on this thread who said they already had their copy.


If it's any consolation, I still don't have my author copies. I did email the publisher about it, though. I want to see what the baby looks like! :)

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