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You know you've gone around the bend when...

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You know you've gone around the bend when...


Dh has taken the kids to grandma's house. While he's gone, you're in the basement doing laundry and can't find the wastebasket. You break into song, loosely following the tune of some mostly-forgotten folk song--"Where have all the trash cans gone? I don't know, I don't know, I don't know." You realize it's really dumb so you quit (while thinking of posting it to the WTM forums). When you get upstairs, you can't help but sing a couple of lines in Broadway musical form: "Where have they been? Where are they now?"


What about you?

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This is an old one since my kids are older now:


Start putting the stuff on the grocery store conveyer belt while counting them aloud for the toddler in a nice slow measured way 1 - 2 - 3, then you realize that the toddler stayed home with Daddy.:blush:


Ask your dh before you two go out on a much needed date if he's gone potty yet.


This was yesterday:


Sit in the driveway with your favorite song cranked up, grooving to the beat and singing loudly and then scream when a neighbor taps on the window to talk to you.:auto:

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Holding your mother's shirt for her to put it back on at the Dr's and realizing you just told her to 'put her head in first' in a song song voice. ( I also do the same thing to DH when he's still loopy from a procedure)


She was not amused. :lol: I really didn't do it on purpose but after three boys who freaked out when their heads got stuck inside their shirts its a reflex.


Also - sitting in the church parking lot blasting any 80's hair metal tune and rocking out while waiting for your kids to get out of youth group. :blushing: (not that I've ever done that)

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Love this thread! For me it's putting things away in strange places and finding them later. Cell phone in the linen closet, milk in the cupboard, ect.


And thinking I've lost a kid who wasn't with me in the first place.


And telling all my woes to the cat.

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