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Teachers' Cabana! 8-4-2011

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Who brought the brownies today?


Is it lunch time yet? Better yet, who's up for a movie marathon and endless popcorn/movie snacks?


Who's a MOM here? MOM meaning that when you sit down, it really means you want to be interrupted; when you correct your child, you really don't know what's best for them; and when you give your child directions to do something, it really means you want to be ignored or whined at. If this applies to you, raise your hand! :seeya:


(Can you tell it's been a bit of a morning here?)


Talk to me! :bigear:

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I'll make brownies for you today, and ya'll can sneak over here to eat them. Hubby took my kids out for lunch so the house is quiet. Laundry is running. House is clean enough. I have a second pot of coffee brewing. It isn't even 80 outside today with the sun shining.

Edited by Karen in CO
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I have no brownies, but I do have some protein-loaded cinnamon pear muffins :) I sub some of the flour mix with rice protein powder, so my kids' friends think the muffins are too dense but my kids like 'em because they don't know any differently. My girlfriend says she still remembers the first time her kids had Kool-Aid at a friend's house, and asked why it tasted so much better at the friend's; turns out my girlfriend halves the sugar, but the friend's mom didn't!


I had Chipotle for lunch. I love that place! We ate it in front of the television, which is a treat for our family. We haven't gotten up, yet, either. We're too busy watching such quality shows as Food Network Star and Design Star. We're calling today "Home Ec" - and you know, the art of ordering out is just as important as is the skill of cooking in one's own kitchen. Right? Right!



Who's a MOM here? MOM meaning that when you sit down, it really means you want to be interrupted; when you correct your child, you really don't know what's best for them; and when you give your child directions to do something, it really means you want to be ignored or whined at. If this applies to you, raise your hand! :seeya:



::raises hand the lazy way instead of clicking to open the Smilies page::


I only have one kid home today, but man alive this absolutely describes the day we've been having. She's not normally this big a pain in my butt, and I admit to googling whether the full moon was coming. (Nope! A week to go. Yay ::sigh:: )

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Pass the virtual brownies, please.


Yeah, I'm a MOM today. There's only one child in my home but her presence is being felt as she's missing her friends who are out of the country for 2 more weeks. (Believe me, kid, I am missing them way more than you are!) And the health lessons on digestion (poop :glare:) are kind of grossing me out, too. (But come on, what happened to the sense of humor you had about it yesterday??)


What kind of movies are we watching? Comedian Gabriel "Fluffy" Iglecias did me a world of good last night. I may need to watch that DVD again.

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Lunch was lamb kebabs and salad - just a Greek variation on my salad with protein;)


I guess I'm not a MOM after all. We've had a nice day with swimming lessons in the a.m., lunch out, shopping for a baby's first birthday gift, kids (even ds14) playing at a sprinkler park and then a chiropractor appt. for me. The kids managed to fit school in within all those activities while they were in the car or waiting. Even my ds14, who has been acting like a big strong hairy toddler at times lately, was quite pleasant!

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We have been busy all day but feel like we have done nothing. We dropped the youngest off at preschool for the morning, then drove 1.5 hours to the hospital for ds to deal with his cast, 5.5 hours later we picked dd up. She had had lunch and a nap but the rest of us had not eaten since breakfast. We returned a movie, stopped by the bank and headed home. Fed the kids a snack. Ran over to the library to pick up our holds, ran into some kids from my afterschool care that live the next town over. Then back home to cook dinner, had conversation with sister. Now finishing up dinner, still need to run out and pick up the movie we put on hold, do the dishes, tidy the house (how is it it was spotless when we left, and now after only 3 hours home it is a pig sty?) and do read alouds with the kids before we finally actually watch the movie.


Such a busy day but I still feel like we did nothing, I guess because we did not school and we had been doing really well the first 3 days this week.


DS12 and DD12 have been at each others throats all day so hopefully the read alouds and movie will calm them enough for bed that I can let them live that long :tongue_smilie:

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Lunch was a cheeseburger at the bowling center. Breakfast was a jr cheeseburger at Sonic on my way to the library. Dinner, I have no idea. Ramen noodles with cheese is starting to sound nice. Or another cheeseburger LOL.


Today was one crazy day. Ds had bowling practice and dd had therapies. My dad offered to drop off dd and then pick up ds's friends for bowling so I could go to the library and check out this month's books. Well, for some reason dd's therapist for the first hour didn't show up, which made dad late for picking up the friends. THen, when he went by, the boys told dad they weren't going but didn't tell dad their sister was going. Dad dropped ds off at the bowling center, then took dd back to the therapy center where her next therapist forgot to watch the clock and was late to arrive. In the meantime the sister above called and asked if someone would come back and get her for bowling because her brothers were idiots trying to be mean to her. Dad picked her up. Meanwhile I am getting the play by play by cell phone as everyone involved except dd is calling me. Fortunately the librarian is my friend and didn't enforce the No Cell Phone policy...


Dd was so wound up she didn't fall asleep for her nap until 4. It is 6:30 and she's still asleep. Dh just took ds and 2 friends to youth group Bible Study so I don't dare wake her. Dh is such a sweetie, he said he will stay up with her all night if she is up all night. :)


I bought 10 boxes of brownie mix last night at Kroger for $1 a Box. Mocha Chocolate, Dark Chocolate.... I will gladly bring the boxes over if someone else has eggs and oil. And a house that isn't to hot to be using the oven....

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