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Ever have a day when you just cannot stand....

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Well, today I dislike people. Everyone is stupid or annoying or a liar or a butt kisser or only out for themselves or just plain mean. I also am getting sick of all the drama on facebook. I need to cull my "friends" list and get rid of some bleepin peeps.


I try not to curse but today I just wanna say every curse word I know. curse. curse. curse.



and I cant go eat chocolate because I have gained weight recently. BOO

Edited by kwickimom
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I had that day yesterday. :ack2: It was awful.



I ended the day with a hot bath, a teeny 2 oz glass of (dr approved) wine, my headphones blaring good music, and a motivating book.


Honestly, I think the headphones drowning out the possibility of hearing any other human were the real catalyst for my mood change :) Sometimes I just get so tired of other people that I have to mentally zone out for awhile.



Anyway - good luck. Plug in some headphones and pretend people don't exist :)

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Definitely! My dh and I have a joke - when I'm in a "people are horrible" mood, I tell my husband to quit his job, pack us up, and we're moving to New Zealand to be sheep farmers. Just us and the sheep!! No people around for miles. Ahhh.


But the reality is this: I am a very urban person, and would live in NYC if I had the money to live like I want. So.....no sheep farm. But it still sounds very good some days.... :D

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I want to invent a calorie-less chocolate and I think God should allow that dream of mine to come true :D SIGH I may just have to go eat pie or turn to drinking.


somedays are Mike's days :D

If you some up with the chocolate answer be sure to let us know.:tongue_smilie:

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I like facebook, because that way I don't have to actually talk to the annoying people, but they are kept up and I am not being antisocial, but some days....



This used to be my thoughts, but then I see the things the annoying people say and I just wanna slap them upside the head :D

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Just about every day.



People can by annoying. Eat the chocolate.



Just be thankful that the ones that annoy YOU are on FB. I wish it were that easy for yours truly :glare:. I would love for the annoying ones in my life to be on FB and far, far away. :confused:


Enjoy the chocolate. :D I'm off to have some myself.


I also believe strongly in distancing myself from as much drama as I can, particularly the older I get. Life is too short. If you can stay away from the drama and craziness, do so. If you can ignore their stupid posts, do so. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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I work in a pharmacy. Good Lord, yes, there are days I almost hate people. I deal with the entitlement attitude, the b*tchy attitude, general rudeness, hostility, and, probably worst of all, the condescending attitudes. Shoot. Just because one works retail does not mean he/she is moronic.



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