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LOL! Gotta love some of the things our kids play!


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That's priceless.


My son wanted me to rearrange the living room recently so he and his 2yo brother could recreate the battle of Thermopylae. He was soooo upset when I said no.


Some kids come up with the funniest things, don't they?

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I walked into the room and my 9 yod had her cute, adorable stuffed pigs hanging by their tails from skirt hangers. I asked her what she was doing and her answer was "I'm smoking them!" :lol: :lol:


(We read about preserving meat via smoking and salting yesterday.)


I read this to my DH (a butcher) and he :smilielol5: and said it was the best use of stuffed animals he'd ever heard.

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My son wanted me to rearrange the living room recently so he and his 2yo brother could recreate the battle of Thermopylae. He was soooo upset when I said no.



Give him a couple of yrs! ;) My boys used to recreate Greek/Persian battles (with a twist!!) all the time. One of the funniest ones I witnessed was when the Persians arrived at the shore in their ships (laundry baskets) and the Greeks attacked w/ their superior light sabers and declared victory! :lol:


(but the smoked pigs still is my all time favorite!!)


I read this to my DH (a butcher) and he :smilielol5: and said it was the best use of stuffed animals he'd ever heard.



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I walked into the room and my 9 yod had her cute, adorable stuffed pigs hanging by their tails from skirt hangers. I asked her what she was doing and her answer was "I'm smoking them!" :lol: :lol:


(We read about preserving meat via smoking and salting yesterday.)


I love it! I love that we can feed our kids' imaginations, too, so that they can come up with all sorts of fun ideas. My dd is currently working on creating a "Play Corner" with the 14yo neighbour girl who is super nice. They have both collected all sorts of "stuff" from both homes, and have this nice little play/sitting area all set up (and ever changing) under the trees on our property line. They have been at it for a couple of weeks now.

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