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How often do you schedule typing?


How many days a week do you have dc practice typing?  

  1. 1. How many days a week do you have dc practice typing?

    • 1 day
    • 2 days
    • 3 days
    • 4 days
    • 5 days

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I have my dd do typing 3x weekly and I use Spongebob typing, free Linux typing and Mavis Beacon to switch it up because she likes variety;)


Dd has being going typing off and on since 3rd grade while in school so that why 2-3x weekly works for us and beside I figure since she is always typing out her papers that counts as a typing lesson too.

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Never wasn't an option.


I don't schedule typing. Keyboarding is something that we do all the time and doesn't need a schedule.


Typing programs are not meaningful or motivational. Show a child finger placement and then have him do school work (especially his composition) on the keyboard. Rewrites are so much easier on a computer that I can't imagine a child wanting to go back to hand writing papers. You could also have him type notes on a subject while you read aloud. Then, have him take a couple of open note tests. I guarantee his typing speed will improve.


I know I am setting myself up with this next comment. Here it goes. The number 1 thing that increased my sons' typing speeds was MMO gaming. If you want to be a part of the online conversation, you need to type quickly. My mom purchased a one year subscription to Runescape for my middle ds when he was young. This child is by far my fastest typist. My 8yo can out-type my 20yo any day. My 20yo is my child who is least interested in technology/ online anything other than fan fiction and he is also my slowest typist.


Trust me I am well aware of gaming addiction and the dangers of spending a lot of time online even with people you know IRL (I have friends that spend insane amounts of time on Facebook and see people that post here like crazy. I have even cut off my middle ds from time to time.), but I also know that the best way to learn to type quickly is to be motivated to want to type quickly. This will not come from a typing program. (Although, I guess you could provide rewards outside the typing program. However, I don't think typing x number of words per minute will get you an ice cream cone is nearly as motivational as participating in conversation.)




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We use Mavis Beacon for typing practice. DD8, DD10, DS13 all have typing on their daily checklists--I ask for 15 min. a day. I also substitute Mavis Beacon time with time spent typing up spelling lists, memory work, or for DS13, his history summary.

I think they feel like Mavis Beacon is a nice break from "studying," (latin, math, reading, etc.) :) But I know they are learning and certainly they are studying!

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