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Paperback Swap not worth it?

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I'm a Paperback Swap newbie. I listed one book and I'm having to pay like $2.50 to mail it out. I also ordered a book from on there. I can get the book for $2 at the nearby used bookstore. I guess I'm not seeing the deal here LOL. Am I missing something? What's so great about this place? It seems like I'll be paying quite a bit each time to mail things out.

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I'm a Paperback Swap newbie. I listed one book and I'm having to pay like $2.50 to mail it out. I also ordered a book from on there. I can get the book for $2 at the nearby used bookstore. I guess I'm not seeing the deal here LOL. Am I missing something? What's so great about this place? It seems like I'll be paying quite a bit each time to mail things out.


Hmm, well, if you can find the book at a local library sale or second-hand store for less that $2.50 go for it! My PBswap is great for finding books I can't seem to run across at those places. Even if I want to purchase books on Amazon, I'll be paying over $3.00 simply for shipping. I'm happy to pay $2.50 cents for books that I want, but can't easily run across.

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The biggest advantage to me on PaperBack Swap was getting rid of books that I no longer needed but couldn't sell (I had a ton of Southern Living type books from when my husband worked there) and getting books that are hard to find. I rarely choose a book that is a cheap paperback to have sent to me. But yes, when I first signed up I quickly sent out 20 books and they were all hard back so it was quite expensive even using media mail. I set up my wishlist for books I wanted (mainly for school - living books, etc.) and pretty quickly I started getting book offers for ones on my wishlist. So I love it - just this week I've finally gotten 3 books I've had on my wish list for months.

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I just use my PBS for hard to find books, at least now. Books that are really expensive that I can't find but can wait for (as in I don't need it for curriculum this year). For lesser expensive books I watch the book bazaar in the forums. People regularly offer deals such as 2 books for one credit. If I find a person that has several books I want, I will ask them if they are also willing to make a deal.


But I understand your pain. I spent $25 mailing books for PBS today and there is not much I want that is currently listed. I will just save most of my credits for those rare times the books on my wishlist are posted.

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I guess maybe it's just that I'm not looking for expensive books. I'm looking for Boxcar Children, Magic School Bus, etc. I do want some of the True Books about continents, but there's none listed right now and I'm on a waiting list for them. I can't wait forever for them though since we need to use them.

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I have used PBSwap for a few years now and found it to be worth the time. We have no bookstores - new or used - nearby. So I list the books I no longer need and send them out, getting the credit. I have a huge list of books I want and just wait for them to become available. Since I use the LCC as my main homeschooling guide I know what books I need, and there aren't thousands of them. I have them all on my wishlist and as they become available I take them off my list. Each year right before a new grade starts I will buy the few books I don't have.

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I think the key is to not offer books that are going to cost so much to ship. I see it like this- I can order a book on Amazon for an about $4.00 including shipping and that is if the book in question is being offered for .01, and many of them are.


or I can list lighter weight books on pbs and spend $2.50 or less on one credit and get the books that way.


On the rare occasion I happen to find just the right book at the thrift store i count myself lucky and remove that book from my wishlist.


I have found that I can buy credits for 2.40 from people who have more than they can use.


Since you are looking for less expensive books, make a point to list things that can be mailed for under $2, such as 6 oz books that can be mailed via first class mail. That way you aren't paying so much. Add books to your wish list that you need later and just order as they pop up in the system.


I have had great luck finding many of the recommended reading from SOTW 3, but I only look for a grade 2-3 Independent reading level right now.


Bookmooch is good too. You can even get points just for listing books and they have a browser add-on that allows you to click a little "mooch" button when you are looking at a book on Amazon. It will connect you to the site to see if there are any copies available and offer the option to add the book to your wishlist.

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For me, I'm willing to wait a long time for a book because I pretty much know ahead what I need for school, and sometimes I want to read a book, but I'm not in a big hurry for it.


I got a book not long ago that I had waited a year for because I was remotely interested in it but didn't want to spring the full $$$ for it. After I read it, I was glad to pass it on to someone else. It was OK, but not a keeper.


I'm also not one that has a lot of time to hit the used bookstores, library sales, etc. etc. I let PBS manage my list and come up with the possible matches.

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Bookmooch is good too. You can even get points just for listing books and they have a browser add-on that allows you to click a little "mooch" button when you are looking at a book on Amazon. It will connect you to the site to see if there are any copies available and offer the option to add the book to your wishlist.


Thanks! I've never heard of Bookmooch! But I'm joining it now!

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