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Back to school today!

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Weeelll...I'm ready enough, but not as ready as I wanted to be. The first 11 weeks of school are planned out to the day and activity. I'll have to pick up the rest before the 22nd of August, when my classes start up again. It's gonna be a hairy 3 weeks, but I've got to get moving before all the housework, projects, etc. we finished are trashed again! :tongue_smilie::001_huh:


Say a prayer for me, please. It's not like we're really changing anything, except K is registered and "for real" this time and my adult life is gonna take some more time, but it's one of those years where several of the kids are bumping up a level and will require some guidance as they step it up. That means this year, they'll need a lot of mom time. I can handle it, I'm just gonna be b-u-s-y. So, as usual, I can't enjoy the boards as much as I'd like. I'll miss ya'll.

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I'll say a prayer for you, and please pray for me too. :)

We are supposed to start next Monday and I'm not ready at all. I've had a horrible cold and didn't feel well enough to do anything I was going to do to prepare last week. I'll have a 7th grader, a Ker, 1st grader, and a toddler running around. It's going to be a wild ride.


Here's hoping your first day is a dream! :)

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We start today, too. This is the longest break we've ever taken, and part of me is now ready to get back at it. The other part of me wants to take a nap :glare:.


I've got 7th, 6th, 4th, 2nd, & K this year. I'm feeling stretched thin, but I'm also looking forward to much of it. It should be an easier year in a lot of ways--I spent most of 2009 sick, much of 2010 sicker but getting diagnosed, and much of this year has been finding the right combination of meds to get the autoimmune hepatitis under control. It'll be a lot easier to school them since I don't fall asleep every time I sit down or feel like I've been hit by a bus when I'm awake. Being conscious really increases the ability to teach :lol:.

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Praying for a great first day...and weeks to come! We were supposed to start today, but have had to put it off for another couple weeks until we can finish our renovation project(too much chaos in the house right now and everything is turned upside down and stacked EVERYWHERE!!).:glare: Oh well, I guess as long as we can get started by Labor Day I wont panic.:D Hope you have a great first day!

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Starting today too! With 6th, 4th and 2nd....got everything mapped out as best I can, although I still don't have everybody's fall gymnastics schedule which really interferes with my planner looking complete!!!!


We took more time off than I had planned, but did Spanish, Art, Science and Music during our 5 weeks off and it was fun...I, like the kids, am not excited about getting back to grammar, spelling and intense math...ah well, they do have to learn how to write, don't they?


Good luck to all and pray that ds oldest doesn't break down the first time he doesn't remember a math concept, dd doesn't refuse to capitalize or spell correctly because it takes too long, and ds youngest hasn't forgotten how to read!!!



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We started today too! I only have a 2nd and a 4th grader, and I wonder sometimes how I can do it all :) I won't complain after seeing how many different levels some of you are teaching!


We had a great start to the year. It actually went well. I think there had gotten to be too much free time and arguing on our at home days this summer. I think we needed the structure back in our days to take care of some of that! I even slipped in a few minutes nap during their silent reading. Ok, it was very short, but I enjoyed every second of it.


I pray for a great year for all of us!:)

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