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If you follow an anti-inflammatory type diet or eat a lot of fish...

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I need ideas. I really should follow this type of diet. I do try to eat more protein, fruits, veggies and avoid breads, pastas, sugary things, etc., but we don't eat a lot of fish. I know high omega-3 fishes are good to combat inflammation/swelling. How do you cook your fish in a healthful, but yummy way? I have one recipe for salmon...one. :glare: It is good and easy, but I know that will get old. Easy is important or at least not too time-consuming.

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I pretty much do my salmon in the cast iron pan with olive oil. The variety comes with the sauce. There is a lot you can pour on salmon.

Also try swordfish now and then. For me, it's important that all fish is wild caught. They supposedly feed farmed fish soymeal and I would not like that.

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I pan fry fish a lot and Husband grills them. I also use oily smoked fish, such as mackerel, poached, flaked and mixed into salads. Pan fried fish are also good with a fresh tomato sauce (sauteed onions and fresh tomatoes with whatever fresh herbs you have to hand).



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I marinate salmon in Very Very Teriyaki by Soy Vay, then saute it in a little Earth Balance in a cast iron pan. Mmm. Other times, I blacken it and just before serving I drizzle it with just a little orange or mango glaze for a spicy-sweet flavor. Either way, I serve it with jasmine rice. We absolutely must have rice with our fish. :drool:

DH and I also LOVE sardines, which is even higher in omegas than salmon. Sardines also have the lowest levels of mercury & contaminants in ocean fish.

We buy canned "King Oscar Mediterranean Style" in the red wrapper. It's packed in olive oil, garlic and black olives. Serve on flatbread crackers. Oh.my.word. Yum.

Edited by Geo
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I cook it in the microwave. It is a great way to cook fish. Just cook it in there until it is cooked through. No need to flip or anything. It is more steamed than anything. I like it. No pan to clean and not much fishy smell in the kitchen. I'd say a 4oz fillet takes about 4 mins to cook, more or less.


I might microwave some broccoli, red pepper and sweet potato all chopped up, then micro the fish, put the fish on top of the veggies and dinner is done in 6 mins. I drizzle a bit of lemon juice or low fat salad dressing on top of it all.


I prob have some variation of that for dinner, different veggies and different fish and different toppings, 4 or 5 nights a week.

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I worry about the mercury/contaminants in fish. I take the easy way out and everybody in the family takes fish oil or cod liver oil. We also take choline (anti-inflammatory) since we don't consume that much in our diet (ds is allergic to soy and egg (yolk)).


Believe it or not, pork is very high in choline...so's beef and chicken!

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Recipes? I flop those babies on the grill.


I salt, I pepper, I maybe add a dash of olive oil.



If there is basil in the garden, I chop and sprinkle.


Less is more.


Fur reel. ;)


:iagree: *LOVE* grilled fish!!! Mmmmmmmmmm! Are you taking fish oil? I believe flax is also high in omega 3's. Add flax oil to salad dressings. Have the Omega 3 enriched eggs.

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I pretty much do my salmon in the cast iron pan with olive oil. The variety comes with the sauce. There is a lot you can pour on salmon.

Also try swordfish now and then. For me, it's important that all fish is wild caught. They supposedly feed farmed fish soymeal and I would not like that.


:iagree::iagree::iagree:I think this is REAL important!!!

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I agree on the wild caught in most cases. There was a study done at Wake Forest on (farmed) tilapia. The omega ratios were pretty terrible.

Farm-raised tilapia, one of the most highly consumed fish in America, has very low levels of beneficial omega-3 fatty acids and, perhaps worse, very high levels of omega-6 fatty acids, according to new research from Wake Forest University School of Medicine.

From this article:



We do some wild salmon, but we don't eat a lot of fish otherwise because I'm too concerned about mercury, PCBs, and the omega ratios in farm raised fish.


I would also focus on reducing consumption of most vegetable oils and look into increasing natural saturated fats and fats higher in omega 3s vs. 6s.

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Recipes? I flop those babies on the grill.


I salt, I pepper, I maybe add a dash of olive oil.



If there is basil in the garden, I chop and sprinkle.


Less is more.


Fur reel. ;)


slurp! yummmmmmmmmmm


I like smoked fish too. My uncle smokes the salmon he catches. I eat it cold by the forkful. :D


Sushi is another fav. way of mine to eat fish.


I crave fish.

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