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I think we found a new church home!

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I posted the other day about trying the Lutheran Church possibly, because I couldn't find an Anglican/Episcopal one that had a lot of stuff for kids. Well, I remembered the one that my husband went to preschool at, back in the day. I'd been there once, but hadn't been impressed by the priest, or the fact that they use chairs not pews. Well, I went there today and they have a new priest that I really liked. And I found myself thinking, on the way there, that maybe the building doesn't matter, that finding a place my family fits is more important, that I need to let it go about the pews. I think God was trying to reinforce that message, because not only were we in chairs, but we were in the school gym because the church is being painted! And a baby was baptized using a copper washtub for a baptismal font. And it was still wonderful. God was definitely reminding me that the things don't matter. Which, it turned out, was the focus of the sermon as well...people, not things, are what is important. Everyone was very welcoming, and my daughter loved the nursery.


They have a sunday school class for my son using Rite 13, part of Journey to Adulthood, which should be perfect for him, I hope. And a youth group for middle and high school that meets every other week, again perfect, as he is at his dad's house every other week and couldn't go then.


Thanks for all the advice!

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That's cool! I like J to A. We use Godly Play for ss for 4th and under and have been looking at J to A.


I'm glad to hear someone has experience with it. It looked great. And they use Godly Play for 3 years through K. Then a rotation style approach for 1-5, which I'm not sold on, but I won't have a kid in that age range for 5 years, so I'm not worried, lol.

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