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I like to listen to John Piper's sermons online. What others ...

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... would you recommend? These are some of my favorites:


1. Pray Like This: Hallowed Be Your Name : http://www.desiringgod.org/resource-library/sermons/pray-like-this-hallowed-be-your-name


2. A Generation Passionate for God’s Holiness : http://www.desiringgod.org/resource-library/conference-messages/a-generation-passionate-for-gods-holiness


3. How Few There Are Who Die So Hard! : http://www.desiringgod.org/resource-library/biographies/how-few-there-are-who-die-so-hard


4. Boasting Only in the Cross : http://www.desiringgod.org/resource-library/conference-messages/boasting-only-in-the-cross


5. Preaching Through Adversity : http://www.desiringgod.org/resource-library/biographies/charles-spurgeon-preaching-through-adversity


6. Doing Missions When Dying is Gain: http://www.desiringgod.org/resource-library/conference-messages/doing-missions-when-dying-is-gain


I like to listen while I'm folding clothes, cleaning, etc. and would love any suggestions that you have.

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I'm terrible. I don't bookmark them after I listen. I'm going to start doing that though b/c it's a great idea. I can't remember ANY of their titles.


I listen to a lot of R.C. Sproul's messages also (we get a monthly cd).


And I like to listen to White Horse Inn.

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... would you recommend? These are some of my favorites:


1. Pray Like This: Hallowed Be Your Name : http://www.desiringgod.org/resource-library/sermons/pray-like-this-hallowed-be-your-name


2. A Generation Passionate for God’s Holiness : http://www.desiringgod.org/resource-library/conference-messages/a-generation-passionate-for-gods-holiness


3. How Few There Are Who Die So Hard! : http://www.desiringgod.org/resource-library/biographies/how-few-there-are-who-die-so-hard


4. Boasting Only in the Cross : http://www.desiringgod.org/resource-library/conference-messages/boasting-only-in-the-cross


5. Preaching Through Adversity : http://www.desiringgod.org/resource-library/biographies/charles-spurgeon-preaching-through-adversity


6. Doing Missions When Dying is Gain: http://www.desiringgod.org/resource-library/conference-messages/doing-missions-when-dying-is-gain


I like to listen while I'm folding clothes, cleaning, etc. and would love any suggestions that you have.


We used to attend BBC three years ago. But it is a huge church and it is hard to feel connected. We then moved to a small church, which is a granddaughter of BBC because it is a spin-off of a spin-off. We like it here so far. I like to listen to the sermons online sometimes. Thanks for the links.

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I like to listen while I'm folding clothes, cleaning, etc. and would love any suggestions that you have.


I do the same. God used the Desiring God website to carry me through a very rough time (my last pregnancy). I am so grateful to them for all they make available for free.


You might like http://www.oneplace.com, too. I listen to Ravi Zacharias there.


And thanks for your list. I've heard some of them, and I'll check out the others.

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Others have mentioned my other favorites, Ravi Zacharias and Tim Keller.


For more Piper, you must listen to his (appx 90 minute) address to pastors based on the life of John Bunyun - you will truly hear his heart in this message! I will try to remember the title and post it (something including the word invisible, unseen, something like that...), but you may be able to search it out on oneplace.


Another message I love is titled something like Why the Recession is Good for Us. I heard it last year and found it very inspiring & challenging, especially given the current economy.

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Others have mentioned my other favorites, Ravi Zacharias and Tim Keller.


For more Piper, you must listen to his (appx 90 minute) address to pastors based on the life of John Bunyun - you will truly hear his heart in this message! I will try to remember the title and post it (something including the word invisible, unseen, something like that...), but you may be able to search it out on oneplace.


Another message I love is titled something like Why the Recession is Good for Us. I heard it last year and found it very inspiring & challenging, especially given the current economy.


Fabulous! I haven't heard that one. I love his biographical sermons. Noel does them as well. I was at BBC and heard her talk about Susannah Wesley one time.

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