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Math Facts


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I have a very smart dd who will be in 4th grade next year. She loves to read, write and draw, but her downfall is math. It just isn't her thing and at this point, she still doesn't know her math facts very well. Does anyone have any suggestions for a fun but effective way to learn Math facts? We've tried flash cards, practice, Math U See and she still doesn't have it down. I think math would be so much easier if she just knew her math facts. Thanks!

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Wrap Ups, Mathletics (she can compete with kids around the world). It's not much fun, but drill sheet books like Two Plus Two is Not Five and Five Times Five is Not Ten are an option. We've been using the former for addition and subtraction fact memorization and it's going well.

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Take a look at Times Tales......we were lucky enough to receive a review copy earlier this year and my daughter (who could not hold the multiplication tables in her head to save her life!) had them memorized completely in one day. I can not recommend this program enough!

Edited by Eddie
apparently can't type today
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Yes, you are correct. If your child knows her math facts, all of math will be easier for her. This is so important. I have tutored college algebra students whose downfall is basic math facts.


I have no fun or compelling games or activities, but this is what I did with the kids I homeschooled/nannied/babysat. Will there be moaning and groaning? You betcha! But this is what works:


You need a digital timer and a set of flashcards from the store (~55cards) (Walmart, KMart, etc).


1) Set the timer for 3 minutes. Go through as many cards as your child can manage in the 3 minutes. If the child gets it wrong, put it on the bottom of the stack and move on to the next. If the child answers correctly, put the card on a stack for the child. When the timer goes off, count how many your child has answered correctly. Don't be discouraged if your child only answers a handful the first time.


2) Record the number your child answered correctly on a simple grid with date and what operation it was. The grid I would use had the date listed above, and I would write +/12 or x/38. Your child will see improvement over time, and that is encouraging to the child. Your child will also see that some days they do better or worse in the normal ups and downs of learning something new (another life lesson).


3)Reward your child IF they improved their score or got through all the cards. I have used 1 skittle as a reward. You could also pay 5 cents. (Is it worth it to you to pay 5 cents a day to improve your child's math skills?) You know what will work for your child and your family.


***Extra hints:

--There will be moaning and groaning until they see you do this. The student will probably feel this is an impossible task. When you cannot stand the complaining any longer, take the cards, reset the timer for 3 minutes, and fly through them. Usually when I do this, there is 25 seconds left on the timer when I am done. The complaining stops.


--What to do if your child has not yet learned all of their facts within the curriculum:

For example, if I am working with a first grader that has only learned addition with +0, +1, +2, +3, +4, +5, +6, when a card surfaces with +7, +8, or +9 (which we haven't covered), I flip it over for the student to do the other side. If the student has not yet been exposed to that fact, too, just toss it to the side. No big deal.


--Review review review. If I had a daughter that was in 4th grade, and she had already learned addition, subtraction, and multiplication, but was learning division:

Every day we would do the division sequence for 3 minutes, and we would also alternate and do addition one day, subtraction the second, and multiplication the third. We would also record and reward scores for those 3 minute runs.

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Wow. XtraMath is awesome. I just had to post and thank those who recommended it.


I have been looking for years now for a math fact quizzing site that wasn't terribad, filled with gratuitous flash animations and obnoxious sounds, etc. Really, you'd think HOW HARD CAN IT BE? I knew there had to be a good one out there, but there are SO many bad sites out there, I couldn't find one.


I was about to give up and go out and buy a pack of flashcards when I read this thread. PERFECT. Crisp. Clean. Operational. And as a bonus progress is tracked and there are quantifiable goals. Wahoo!

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  • 8 months later...
Guest eca2526
Wow. XtraMath is awesome. I just had to post and thank those who recommended it.


I have been looking for years now for a math fact quizzing site that wasn't terribad, filled with gratuitous flash animations and obnoxious sounds, etc. Really, you'd think HOW HARD CAN IT BE? I knew there had to be a good one out there, but there are SO many bad sites out there, I couldn't find one.


I was about to give up and go out and buy a pack of flashcards when I read this thread. PERFECT. Crisp. Clean. Operational. And as a bonus progress is tracked and there are quantifiable goals. Wahoo!


:iagree: :iagree:


Thanks for the great recommendations!

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We use https://www.xtramath.org/home. It's free and my dd does it on her own, just a few minutes a day. I was getting frustrated with her not knowing her facts and it created tension between us. This works for us because it took me out of the equation (no pun intended).



That's what I use with my dd. She doesn't love it, but it only takes a few minutes a day & it's helping her a lot .

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