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The NSTA just released their new k12 science standards-free pdf download

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I just received the following email from NSTA and thouht others here might be interested in getting the free pdf book (it's 280 pages, so be patient):

The National Research Council (NRC) today released its much-anticipated report that presents a new framework for K–12 science education and identifies the key concepts and practices that all students should learn.
A Framework for K–12 Science Education
offers a new vision for K–12 education in science and engineering, and represents a significant shift in how these subjects are viewed and taught.


According to the report, "K–12 science and engineering education should focus on a limited number of disciplinary core ideas and crosscutting concepts, be designed so that students continually build on and revise their knowledge and abilities over multiple years, and support the integration of such knowledge and abilities with the practices needed to engage in scientific inquiry and engineering design."



The framework will serve as the basis for the Next Generation Science Standards, a state-led effort managed by Achieve, Inc. The framework will also inform the work of curriculum and assessment developers, researchers, teacher educators, and others.


Starting on p 113, there are grade level expectancies for each of the science streams. Off to read.

Edited by Halcyon
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Another thank you. Compliments on your blog & beautiful family.


You really have your act together there mama. Nice job. :)


I read the front page, am downloading.


Commentary left by educators on the front page were....what's the word I want....




Miss Million Words has no words for it. That seems to happen a lot lately. :)


ps: on the topic of engineering lessons...found this the other day and it appears pretty groovy.


Edited by one*mom
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Another thank you. Compliments on your blog & beautiful family.


You really have your act together there mama. Nice job. :)


I read the front page, am downloading.


Commentary left by educators on the front page were....what's the word I want....




Miss Million Words has no words for it. That seems to happen a lot lately. :)


ps: on the topic of engineering lessons...found this the other day and it appears pretty groovy.




Thanks for the kind words :). And a big THANK YOU for that link-will definitely be browsing for ideas for our Engineering class. :)

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This is great; am in the middle of writing biology curriculum for three grades to do together, and this (along with the AP guidelines) is very helpful!!



I am doing the same-about halfway done with rewriting the BCP lesson plans for Core Knowledge. Have you seen them?

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I have not. What grades are you covering? Are you talking about the Baltimore Curriculum Project?



Yes, I am. I am using the lesson plans for 4th grade and reformatting/rewriting them. I will be posting them on my blog when I am done--should be in a couple of weeks.

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