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In need of parenting book on dealing with anger in kids

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  • 2 months later...

Beyond Consequences, Logic, and Control by Heather Forbes. I love the paradigm which is so different. It really seems this *would* diffuse the anger, help the person deal with it, etc while still allowing for teaching-based discipline after the fact. It is written towards parents who have previously traumatized children (medical, foster care, orphanages, etc); but I honestly wish I had known about it with my biological son when he was little. I did well at GOOD (mostly non-punitive) discipline; but we would have benefited from this, especially regarding anger and self-esteem issues.


There are three books in total. The first and second volumes are named as above. The third is Dare to Love. Understanding the whys is mostly in the first book. There are TONS of examples throughout the books, but esp the third.


The more mainstream version is Consciously Parenting (website with same name). I have not looked at it much; but it is my understanding there would be a lot less talk about trauma and adoption in those materials.

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